Introducing the world's first smart phone that can only be purchased with the best


Posted in:
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 – 22:34
| Last update:
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 – 10:35 pm

The Taiwanese company HTC Corporation today launched the world's first smartphone to be purchased only in e-money and has agreed to exclusively and directly process a new addition to the Block Qin system, which contains tools to change the global economic system.

The price of the Xods 1 phone is 0.15 or 4.78 Etherm, which is about $ 960 worth of current value, according to the China South Morning Post.

The phone operates as a link in the Qin block chain to stabilize and develop electronic money networks, and users receive new digital assets to reward them for participating in Qin block maintenance.

"Selling the phone only in digital currency is an unprecedented step," said Chen Qin, head of the Qin Block Initiative in China. "This initiative demonstrates the company's belief in e-money, despite its many difficulties, including the search for new distributors, to set up this phone, according to the newspaper.

The phone will be sold via a dedicated website to operate in only 34 countries and regions, including Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, Britain and other European countries, the company said adding that In December, she would start sending phones to users.

For the first time in May, HTC announced its first XODS phone, featuring an electronic wallet that allows users to store and trade electronic currencies, and which will focus on applications that support payment in foreign currencies e.

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