IPhone phones threatened by ban in India because of anti-spam applications


  The genius of the iPhone is threatened by the ban in India due to the anti-spam application
The genius of the iPhone is threatened by the "iPhone". ban in India due to anti-spam application

The problem is to sell a product or service Approved in each market or country where the product is available. This seems to be something that Apple is currently dealing with in India because it is possible that the iPhone is banned in the Indian market.

Essentially, the Indian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRAI) is asking Apple to authorize an application called DND 2.0 to enter the Apple App Store. It is an application designed by the state to fight against messages and annoying calls in India, such as blocking unsolicited text messages, as well as messages or calls. marketing. However, Apple seems reluctant to allow the app to access its app store because it "violates our privacy policy."

But on the other side we have said, a new law has suggested that devices that do not comply with the request may be prohibited from connecting to the LAN. According to India Today, the law recognizes that "each service provider must ensure within six months that all smartphones registered on its network support the powers necessary to run these applications. However, if such devices are not allowed to operate such applications, service providers shall, upon request or decision of the Authority, cancel such devices from their telecommunication networks. "

To be fair, Apple is working with government engineers to discuss ways to allow the application to access the App Store without violating users' privacy, but it remains to see if they can find a solution before the prohibition is applied.


Source: Electronic

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