Iraqi Oil Minister: Beginning of the development of the Mansuriya gas field


01 08 2018

Al-Allaibi: Beginning of the development of the Mansuriya gas field

Oil Minister Jabbar al-Allaibi said Tuesday that the ministry wants to develop gassy fields to optimize the investment of this national wealth and work to increase production rates and reduce import rates , noting that the ministry is working on the development of the Mansouriya gas field, 100 percent per day.

Al-Luaibi said in a statement received by Al-Sabah that he asked national companies to put in place an emergency plan to develop the gas field in the Mansuriya gas field after the delay and failure of foreign companies to expand the field. The minister added that "the opinion body of the Ministry made the decision to instruct oil companies and central oil projects and Iraqi drilling and heavy engineering equipment to support the development of the gas field of Mansouriya in the province of Diyala. "

"His great confidence in the national effort and his ability The development of oil deposits and their attainment at projected rates, and that the ministry has placed in the priorities of the project to develop the field on investment of 75-100 cubic meters of gas per day during the current year, and invest 325 percent per day in the coming years "By adding this" the department will not hesitate to return the contracts released by foreign companies to domestic companies that have the experience and the ability to perform similar work at lower cost. "


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