Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci dies


The Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci, owner of many remarkable works, including "The Last Tango in Paris", s' extinct in Rome at the age of 77 years after a long and fruitful course with great controversy.

Bertolucci died Monday at his home in the Italian capital, announced the press office.

Bertolucci is one of the seventh giants of art in Italy and the world and was the only Italian director to win the Oscar for Best Director in 1988 for The Last Emperr, which won the nine categories for which he had been nominated for the Oscars.

The director gained worldwide fame with his film "The Last Tango in Paris" of 1972, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider, which aroused controversy, especially because of his daring sexuality.

Bertolucci has been in a wheelchair for many years and won the Honorary Gold Award for his entire career at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011.

The sadness of celebrities

"The festival is over, the tango requires two people," Jill Jacob, president of the Cannes Film Festival, told AFP, who presented the honorary trophy to Bertolucci. She said she was saddened by the departure of the last director of the film.

Born March 16, 1941 in Parma, a city in northern Italy, Bertolucci is chosen as the scene of his film "Prima della Revolutcione" of 1964. He grew up in a culturally rich community.

He fell in love with cinema after watching Federico Fellini's film "La Dolce Vita". His father, the poet, professor of history and film critic, presented his first cinematography at the age of 15.

Bertolucci studied literature before going to the cinema thanks to his assistant director with Pier Paolo Pasolini at Acatone in 1961.

In 1968, he co-wrote the famous film Weston A Time in West with Dario Argento and Sergio Leone.

Bertoulucci, a member of the Italian Communist Party, produced the famous film "1900" on the class struggle in Italy, with names of known films such as Robert De Niro, Port Lancaster and Gerard Dubardieu.

Actor Finder

Burtulucci recently evoked the movie "The Last Tango in Paris", in which actress Snyder, aged 19 at the time of filming, did not know every detail of the sexual scene.

She suffered from addiction and depression for several years until her death in 2011. She stated in 2007 that she felt "raped" during the film, which for a long time ignited her. anger.

Asked in an interview with the Agence France-Presse in 2013 about how people like to remember him, Bertolucci replied, "I'm not sure about that."

"I think my films are there and people can see them," he said in a three-dimensional presentation of The Last Emperors on the occasion of his 25th birthday.

"Sometimes I laugh, thinking that people will remember me as a talent researcher for young women rather than a filmmaker."

The cast includes Dominique Sanda in The 1970s Conformist, Maria Schneider in The Last Tango in Paris (1972), Liv Tyler in 1996 at Staling Beauty and Eva Green, who went to the movies with The Dreamers. In 2003.

Controversial positions

Bertoulucci has a habit of provoking controversy, not only in his films.

Earlier this year, he said that director Ridley Scott should be "ashamed" of himself as he replaced Kevin Spacy in one of his latest acts by another actor after accusations of aggression on men.

Burtulucci also participated in the preparation of a petition rejecting the expulsion of Polish-Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski, who was scheduled to appear in US courts for rape.

However, he said that he supported the I-_ movement, which also praised his role in "raising awareness of violence against women around the world".

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