Japan is considering a $ 300 million loan to Jordan


The Japanese government is still considering a $ 300 million loan to Jordan, requested by the Jordanian government to support the Jordanian budget this year, according to a source from the Japanese Embassy in the Kingdom

. The Japanese side is still considering the possibility of allocating funds on the basis of this request.

"The size of the final loan is still unknown, but the Jordanian government has asked for $ 300 million," he said.

The source said that the loan approval is not directly related to the IMF testimony that "it is taken into account."


Japan provided last year "Development Policy Loan to improve the financial situation and support the public services In Jordan" of 250 million, which was allocated to support the budget with a grace period of 10 years, and the repayment period of 30 years.

Japan converted the loan into two installments, the first after the signing of the loan agreement on December 21, 2016. The first tranche of loan of 10 billion yen ($ 85 million) was transferred a few days after the date of the agreement. , While the end of 2017 was the second tranche of the loan of 20 billion yen (about 170 million dollars). The transfer of the Japanese loan was linked to the government's implementation of a set of economic reforms identified in the secondary capital market: bonds, business environment and investment market promotion. Jordan received between 1999 and 2017 approximately $ 1.3 billion of which $ 527.32 million in grants and balance of subsidized loans, as well as technical assistance to Jordan through the intermediary of JICA

JICA aims to provide development policy loans to support the Jordanian budget. To the public budget, and support the reform events that lead to optimal management And its effectiveness on the most important sectors in Jordan, such as energy, electricity, water sector, financial management and capital market management and the industrial sector and the small and medium enterprise sector.

© Alghad 2018

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