Karara popular hero and "Karma" accuses his industry .. 10 comments on the income of Eid movies



Five films competed for the business figure of Eid al-Fitr, but from the first day, Amir Karara managed to solo, moving away from other films Why?

21 days in competition 5 films On the income of the Eid al-Fitr season, and various subjects between action and comedy and social drama. From the beginning, the "Karamuz war" to exceed 36 million pounds, while the second place went back to 25 million pounds. "Heart of his mother" with 10 million pounds, while "Althla Tammam" kept fourth place with 7 million pounds, and Karim The recipes are collected and collected from some cinemas after their recipes not exceed 5 million euros, we control the reasons why the income card has been distributed in this way.

1 – Amir Karara achieves a great success in the character of Salim Al Ansari through the series Kalbsh shares, and exploits the attachment of the public to the personality, to provide another similar in his film "War Karamoz ".

2. Karara gave the public the model of the popular hero: in his latest film, he plays the role of a policeman who defends a girl raped by English officers (the events of the British occupation) and arrest the perpetrators of the incident and refuses to extradite them. Including the English army .. And the public enthusiasm has increased, the membership of Scott Adkins, the hero of the series "Boyka" famous for working.

3. The collective championship The film "The war as a symbol" was painted, while it did not work with the film "Karma", which is a tribute to the income of the season.

4 – The public was attracted by the action film "Night and pleasure", and preferred the film "Karamoz". The film belongs to the quality of comedy mingled with the action, with the arrival of Karam Jaber. .

5 – Mohammed Imam and Yasmin Sabri are a successful duo, while Imam has relied on the rest of the "Hell in India" team, which managed to sweep the time.

6. Yasmin Abdul Aziz did not occupy the last position, but never reached an advanced position, she moved away from the foreground .

7 – Yasmin Abdul Aziz adopted the "Al-Abla Tam Tam" to guarantee the chairs of families to the cinema, and used the heroes of the Egyptian theater, but this did not find any use , as well as the repeated use of children also in the film Aldadda Dudi, the critic Tariq al-Shennawi in his statements to the "liberation".

8. The return of director Khaled Youssef to the cinema after an absence since the January revolution has been disappointing, with revenues paid, despite the great din of his film "Karma" during the control of the works But the public was not curious to go see the movie, and the advice to "Yusuf" to change the traditional style of his films.

9 – The idea used by Khaled Youssef through two characters of Amr Saad, highlighting the class struggle between poor and rich, was complicated for the audience of Eid, and hardly understood by some, such as the condemnation of filmmakers.

10 – The heart of his mother – playing in the line of text – did not lead the income and did not back down to the last position, has achieved an acceptable success of its industry, critics have praised the film and the evolution of Chico. Representation

In the end, the war remains like a trophy in the foreground and a solitary song, while the remaining cinematic experiences have been a lesson for them to do better in the years to come. {Jsd = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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