Kepler probe faces a fuel crisis and enters the stability of space


<img src = "" alt = "The Kepler probe is facing to a fuel crisis in spaceflight

The Kepler probe faces a severe oil crisis with its low rates, which makes it stable in recent weeks, according to the US Department of Aeronautics and Aeronautics. NASA Space, Saturday.

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Kepler, which aims to search for planets near stars like the Sun, has stopped making scientific observations for the moment. The probe will be stabilized until August 2 and all the detected information will be downloaded and converted to control center.

The Kepler team has observed a marked drop in fuel levels since last Monday, while NASA warned that this could have happened since March, according to the US website Engadget.

The Kepler probe has focused its attention since May 12 on a sky point towards the constellation of cancer, which will help researchers confirm which of these outer planets observed during the first phase of this region could help them to discover New information

The probe will resume its activity on August 6, when it should restart and new data will be recorded until the fuel runs out.

The Kepler probe was launched in 2009 and was able to exceed its expected data collection figure 3 years ago and found 2,650 packages confirmed to date.

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