Khamis makes a surprise and asks for a return to Madrid


The Colombian daily Al-Mundo Deportivo said that Colombian striker Khamis Rodriguez did not feel very happy at Bayern Munich and that he was planning to return to Real Madrid during the transfer season. ;summer. Rodriguez is not thrilled by the experience of Niko Kovac, and he thinks he will play a key role with Real Madrid coach, Khulin Lobetigi. Return to the Royal Club.

The total value of Khamis Rodríguez was 50 million euros, Bayern paying 8 million euros last summer to borrow the player.

Rodríguez suffered because French coach Zinedine Zidane was not convinced of his technical abilities, that he returned for a long-term bench at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in the Spanish capital.

Colombian star Khamis Rodriguez was loaned from Real Madrid to Bayern Munich for two seasons, after problems caused by Khamis' frequent session on the bench with coach Zinedine Zidane, who told Khamis more than once that he was not in his calculations for the future. Basic to Real Madrid.

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