Learn about the best places in the United Arab Emirates to monitor "the eclipse of the century" – lifestyle, lunar eclipse


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is witness to the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, the first of its kind in the 21st century.

The Emirates space agency, in particular, Sponsored by a group of astronomical observations, organized by a number of astronomical centers in the state, to monitor the phenomenon of l & # 39; total lunar eclipse, which will see the world tonight and will be the longest in the current century, according to the newspaper.

The International Astronomy Center of Abu Dhabi, the Dubai Astronomy Group, the Astronomical Observatory of the Emirates, the Sadem Observatory and the Center for Astronomy and Astronomy Sharjah Space allow the public to see the eclipse through the facilities and telescopes. Especially in the Arab world, especially the region within the UAE, one of the best regions in the world to watch the eclipse fully.
The total eclipse should last an hour, 42 minutes and 57 seconds, the moon will enter the semi-shaded area at 9:15 on Friday night and the partial eclipse will start at 10am: 24 hours while the l? Total eclipse occurs at 23:30 and the eclipse reaches its peak at 00:22 on Saturday morning, while the total eclipse ends at 12:12 followed by the partial eclipse at 14:19. The moon will come out of the semi-shadow and the eclipse will end completely at 3:29.
Mohamed Nasser Al Ahbabi, managing director of the Emirates Space Agency, said: "The sponsorship of these events fits into the strategic objectives of the Agency to sensitize the community to the space sector and to the ultramodern astronomical centers of the country. This phenomenon will be an important opportunity to highlight the national space sector.

He emphasized that all previous astronomical observations organized by the Agency and co-sponsored by a wide range of young people, including youth, called on the Agency to sponsor these events on Friday to monitor the phenomenon, believing that he had an important role to play In the future space sector, which will require them to study scientific materials in their courses to acquire the skills necessary for success and excellence in science and engineering. space technologies and astronomy.

The engineer Mohammed Shawkat Odeh, director of the International Center for Astronomy, said: "During this monitoring, many planets will be seen. This period is one of the best times for see many planets of the solar system.Corniche Street in front of ADNOC building at 20:00 and includes a lecture on the phenomenon of eclipses and planets that can be seen and then go to telescopes to see eclipses and planets.

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the engineer Nizar Salam, head of the team of the Astronomical Observatory of the United Arab Emirates, said: "What sets this unique night coincides with another astronomical event no less distinguished from the eclipse of the century. Mars is able to meet the sun in the middle of the earth, and it's the best position that corresponds to the orbit since March 2003 of March.

Salam pointed out that the Astronomical Observatory of the Emirates is organizing an event to follow this unique astronomical event using the latest astronomical observations, broadcast live on external screens, in addition to installing a number of astronomical telescopes and provide simplified explanations. The mobile observation vehicle and the use of the Observatory installed on the vehicle allow to observe the details of the moon during different phases of eclipse.

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