LG unveils patent for integrated camera design – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

LG has signed a new patent for the design of a phone with a built-in front-end camera, to change the design of the top extrusion and support full-screen display .

LG has signed a new patent for the design of a phone with a built-in front-end camera, to change the design of the top extrusion and support full-screen display .

aligncenter full-size wp-image-217352 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/smartphone-design-1-with-under-display-front-camera.jpg "width =" 728 "height =" 549 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://www.unlimit-tech.com/ wp-content / uploads / smartphone-design-1-with-under-display-front-camera.jpg 728w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/smartphone-design-1-with -under-display-front-camera-300x226.jpg 300w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/smartphone-design-1-with-under-display-front-camera-50x38. jpg 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 728 pixels) 100vw, 728 pixels

With the sleek smartphone front camera design and high-end design coming out this year, the phone giants are starting to adopt a new design for smartphones next year.

Many of the leaks that have been launched so far indicate that Samsung has a design for the Galaxy S10's front-facing camera, in which the lenses appear across a small location on the screen.

LG is also trying to compete with the Korean giant with a patent for two models of phones with a built-in front-facing camera.

aligncenter full-size wp-image-217354 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/smartphone-design-2-with-under-display-front-camera.jpg "width =" 728 "height =" 549 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://www.unlimit-tech.com/ wp-content / uploads / smartphone-design-2-with-under-display-front-camera.jpg 728w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/smartphone-design-2-with -under-display-front-camera-300x226.jpg 300w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/smartphone-design-2-with-under-display-front-camera-50x38. jpg 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 728 pixels) 100vw, 728 pixels

The first model has curved side edges, the second with straight edges and the design of both phones has an oval cut to include the front camera with proximity and ambient sensors, while the cutting site differs in the design of both phones , located in the center or in the corner of the phone. Top left or right.

Until now, it is not possible to confirm that LG's new models will soon get to the stage of implementation in the field, but the first glimpses of the premium phone models of next year is already spreading.

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