"Liberation" apologizes to the great composer Mohammed Rahim


On the basis of the preservation and credibility of the Liberation Foundation and in accordance with the principle of recognition of the error, we apologize to the great composer Mohamed Rahim for what the site published on Monday, falsely attributed to his involvement in unpaid checks. We provided incorrect information, including the facts of old and false, and progressing "liberation" with similar excuses to Dr. Taher Rahim's brother's great composer.

After the search we found that the name Hilal has already been sued against him, including the case of the singer Ibrahim Abdelkader against him, accusing him of the monument, and was sentenced in absentia to six months of Imprisonment and the illusion that he will release a "clip" for one of his songs, but he got the amount as a deposit and did nothing, and when he asked Abdul Qadir recovered the value of what he took, he refused Hilal. On the documents was the reason for obtaining the judgment of the Court of Dokki delicts No. 4675 of 2015.

We appreciate the status of my tutor Composer and Egyptian singer, he was born on December 9, 1979. Musician since childhood, he plays the "Urg" which was given to him by his mother in order to help him to satisfy his hobby. Was the beginning of his artistic career when he met the artist Hamid Al-Shaeri in a seminary at the College and accompanied him to the studio where he heard his music, in the presence of Amr Diab , to release his first song, Glaoutak (2001).

This song opened for Rahim the way of cooperation with Amr Diab, and one of his most important works of the set is: "Do not be surprised, if you are Ashkani, still in Bali, and your story is silent . " , What he said through his official account on the site "Instagram": "All my life the last Alhani, is a quantum leap in the romantic song of the world, a unique and unprecedented experience! Very happy to come back to cooperate with the Genie Board, and a thousand congratulations for the wonderful album. "

Rahim also collaborated with several artists including Mohamed Mounir, Hisham Abbas, Asala, Sherine Abdel Wahab, Nancy Ajram and Elissa, and went to sing in 2008, where he released his first album Kam Kamana,, And Rendered Yalla ", and participated in singing and composing in a number of dramas, including" a life story, a love story ".

The number of Rahim tunes exceeded 900, a variety of songs, reviews and soundtracks for dramas and commercials. Last October, he celebrated his inclusion in the top 10 most professional composers of the world. world and expressed his happiness "Congratulations to all my dear republic to include my name in the annual world encyclopedia as one of the most famous professional composers of the world and published in several foreign languages ​​for more than 20 years. "

(Editorial apologizes to the great composer Mohamed Rahim) Moved the site (editorial news)
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