"Life" on the moon .. And a lake on Mars


A recent study suggests that the Moon saw the appearance of life billions of years ago, opening the door to astronomers to learn more about the Orb.
The study, published in Astro Biology, on the moon is between 3.5 and 4 billion years ago, according to Sky News. The study was conducted with the collaboration of the Washington State University astronomer, Professor Dirk Schulz Makos, and University of London researcher Jan. Crawford. The scientific document indicates that the moon has emitted very hot emissions of fustyle gas, as well as water vapor, and that life is likely to grow on crime.
On the other hand, scientists have discovered a vast underground lake. (19459004) and drew an article in the magazine "Science" of America, that the view of the lake under the ice cover is 20 kilometers. Alan Dagey, an associate professor at the University of Swinburne in Australia, who did not participate in the study, said: "This is an amazing discovery that suggests that the presence of Water on Mars is not just a temporary flow.was observed in previous discoveries, it is a permanent mass of water that provides favorable conditions for life over a long period of time. time.

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