Liverpool coach Juergen Klub reacts to critics of players' transfer offers


  Jorgen Globe

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Globe's comments preceded his first game in his tour of the United States against Borussia Dortmund on Sunday.

Liverpool coach Jurgen Klub says he is "not interested" in accusations of hypocrisy over the transfer of players to the English club

following the transfer of Frenchman Paul Pogba to Manchester United in 2016 in a record contract of 89 million pounds, Glob said he would retire from football if the value of the case became a common figure in player prices.

Brazilian goalkeeper Alison Becker was transferred from the Roma club for £ 66.8 million from the Liverpool transfer in the last 12 months. At around £ 250 million.

  • Liverpool to Shakiri in action "We do not care what the world thinks of us … like Manchester United who did not care what I said."

    The coach continued saying, "It's just a view Yes, it's the truth, but it's better to change your mind than to have no opinion. "

    " We have (now) the players we want, "he said.

    Liverpool scored a record for the club in an agreement that included Dutchman Virgil Van Dijk of Southampton in January, spending about £ 75m.

    During this summer, Brazilian midfielder Fabenio Tavares comes from Monaco for a contract worth over £ 40 million

    Liverpool also signed with Stoke City's Swiss player, Gerdane Shakiri, for 13 million pounds before a record last week. Alison Baker case.


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