Liverpool is close to winning Chelsea in the case of the goalkeeper of Rome


Liverpool is on the verge of completing its biggest summer deal by joining Roma goalkeeper Alesson Becker during the summer transfer season.

Allison in one of Brazil's matches at the World Cup

The Reds are aiming for a new solid goalkeeper to protect the team's cage after the disastrous mistakes made by the German goalkeeper Lauris Carrios, who cost them the Champions League last season.

According to Italian journalist DeMarzio, Liverpool is only a few steps away from the announcement of the Brazilian goalkeeper's inclusion and negotiations between the two clubs in their advanced stages which will be finalized in the next hours.

Liverpool came close to winning over Chelsea, who started serious negotiations to join the Brazilian goalkeeper too, but the Ridds' movements were quick and serious, which gave them preference in the conflict between the goalkeeper of the distinctive.

De Marzio pointed out that Liverpool had offered 70 million euros to include Allison, including bonuses, while the Rome administration was aiming to get 75 million euros for the money. ;approval. The distinctive goalie is selling this summer but there are no differences in point of view between the two clubs.

Allison received a phone call from Liverpool coach Juergen Klopp, a new sign of the goalkeeper's approach to strengthening the Reds' den in the new season, but everything is still on the table.

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If Alison leaves Rome, the eyes of the Italian capital will be directed to the signing of the Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper, Alphonse Ariola, but also with the Copenhagen goalkeeper, Robin Olsen.

The Roma administration has not ruled out the possibility that the player will leave for Chelsea if his bid goes up to overtake Liverpool's offer, which remains very unsatisfactory for wolf management despite the serious moves of the Reds to join the player this summer

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