Long eclipse and 'attempt of the snake to swallow the moon'


The world witnessed a total loss of the moon Sunday night in a cosmic phenomenon that occurs for the second time this year: The eclipse lasted an hour and 43 minutes during the longest eclipse period of the last 100 years. The institute opened its doors to the public to observe this unique event seen by the earth and added that the third eclipse will take place next January, pointing out that the eclipse had different stages started at seven and fifteen minutes in the region near the shadow of the earth and finished At an hour and 29 minutes yesterday morning In the history of ancient Egypt, the ancient astronomical observations of astronomical phenomena, and the ancient Pharaohs stared at the sky and did not look up at stars and recorded and moving tracks and knew that the moon is a land of space. "The peoples of the ancient Egyptian civilization saw what the world saw yesterday, observing and observing the total eclipses of the moon, observing them and documenting them on the walls of their temples and tombs scattered throughout the cities of Egypt. Egypt, "said Magdi Shaker. History, thousands of years ago, we find in the museum of the French provided the only inscription taken from the temple of Dandara, the lunar eclipse of the lunar eclipse, recorded by l & rsquo; Egyptian on 25 September 51 BC

According to an Egyptian study by researcher Amira Abdel Hadi published by the Center for Studies and Dialogue of Luxor The development of the longest lunar eclipse of world in the 21st century has confirmed that ancient Egyptian texts and paintings engraved on the walls of temples and tombs tell us that eclipses occur when Apophis are trying to devour the moon. They also knew fourteen faces of the moon [ad_2]
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