Look .. Badria Ahmed reacts to criticism and attacks Mai Aydan because of the veil


badriya ahmad mai el3idan

After attacking and criticizing the wearing of the hijab, Emirati artist Badriya Ahmad reacted to criticism of the Kuwaiti media's Mai al-Aidan, claiming that she would keep life and salt between them and continue to talk to her. 39; love.
The artist responded to a question posed to his daughter through a video posted on his official account on the social networking site "Entgram" and saying: "Mai Idan" has a beautiful social life and soft.

The artist Badriya Ahmed said: "Surrey, I have Asthosht together .Thank you to Idan and I still love you", then she sent him a kiss in the air.
"I mean, I've spent my whole life in Sfour … I'm not joking with the Lord of the Worlds in his rights the day I hide and the day I drop him (Ikhla) .. I have the hijab, Ahtaat O Asheila ".
It is worth mentioning that the artist Badriya Ahmed surprised his audience by removing the veil after wearing it just 5 months ago, asking them not to atheism in his question about why the hijab had been removed.

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