Losses for Samsung Galaxy S9 due


  Losses to Samsung due to Galaxy S9
Losses to Samsung due to Galaxy S9
<img alt = "Losses to Samsung due to Galaxy S9" src = "https: //3.bp. blogspot.com/-nhuE5o86N0M/Wz8xkeLyB8I/AAAAAAAAIAw/-zTw_x4Rzf8BH1drSD8apAA4iajnUCxAwCLcBGAs/ "

The leader of the smart phone industry, the South Korean company Samsung, is likely to suffer in the coming period of the Samsung Galaxy S900 / samsung-logo-4-640×387.jpg The same as its quarterly forecasts.

Samsung released a new report this morning outlining its forecast for the second quarter of this year. The South Korean company's transactions will reach 58 billion Korean won, or 51.8 billion US dollars, and the company expects profits for this period to reach 14.8 million dollars. US.

These figures are disappointing for Messi The company is lower than what Samsung has achieved in the first quarter of this year, while the number of transactions reached about 54 billion and profits to 14 billion, according to Samsung, which is due to the decline in sales of the Galaxy S9. Sales of 31 million phones.

Source: Luxury

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