Maalool reveals the secret of his crisis with the spread of the media. The media.


Tunisian left-back Ali Maaloul, the left-back of Al-Ahli's first team, revealed the injuries he suffered during the match against ES Setif and the stages of the treatment that he is currently undergoing, as well as his expectations for the Africa Championship tour by the team. Other things that bind him to the Red Fort.

Maalouel reveals his wounds

"The injury is not as serious as in the media, it was torn in the connective muscle and started the treatment program and received plasma injection in coordination with the medical device, and now that the team is back from Algeria, there will be 3 new injections from Germany. "

He added: "The therapeutic period may take two months or two and a half months maximum before returning to participate in the collective and the official games." The idea of ​​a surgical intervention has been evoked. only in social media, while I was in Tunisia.A doctor, Dr. Khaled Mahmoud, contacted me to contact the team doctor. was performed for the second time in Tunisia.The radiology was sent to Egypt.The medical report confirmed that the injury did not require surgery. "He said.

"I thought of a correction during one of the attacks, I heard a sound in the foot, and then I felt pain and injury. I heard the sound coming from my feet and the pain, I realized that the injury was not easy and that it would be difficult.I missed my last match at the Championship. Africa, like last year, when I missed the final against the Moroccan Wydad, a difficult feeling for any player, especially when he participated all season and made the biggest effort in the Miss the final. "

Ahli is the closest to the Champions League

"I always tell the players that the team will qualify for the final, we have enough experience to win the African title, they want my presence and I also wanted to be with them face a return to the ES Setif, "he said. Which is taking place in Algeria, but in the end we have confidence in the ability of the team to reach the final and to win the title, the return match is difficult and Ahli will play against a team trying to exploit the Stadium and crowds, The team receives My goals in the first quarter time, especially always the beginning task.

"The players have the best experience in Africa, playing for the most prestigious clubs in the continent with 8 championships, I hope that we will qualify for the ninth championship this year and for the Club World Cup, our goal Al-Wifaq will be able to return to Al-Wefaq after a 2-0 win in the first leg.The players experience and the return of the wounded will make the difference, in addition to patience, concentration and the Atmosphere that currently prevails in the team.

"I played for ES Setif and scored a goal at home in Algeria, while I was a CS Sfaxien player in 2014, the group was composed of Ahli Beni Ghazi, Al-Turji and ES Setif We drew 1-1 in Algeria and scored the goal of Sfaxien ES Setif. "

"Esperance will face 50,000 spectators in Tunisia, the first time they will qualify for the semi-finals, hope and the Tunisian atmosphere will certainly give a boost to Esperance" , he said about the first clash between Esperance and the Angolans.

"There are 30 players of the same level at Al-Ahli, the technical team is trying to give everyone the opportunity, even the changes made in many matches have achieved their goals." The team managed to get good results thanks to The presence of young elements has strongly manifested itself and has appeared on a separate level, as for tournaments, with a focus on the African Championships. moment, main goal and, after Africa, return and concentration in the rest of the tournaments from the Premier League.

Holy League

"We want to participate in more than one team," he said. He added new players and many teams have supported their ranks, but Ahli will return to the normal place in the championship after the completion of the African championship.

"At first, I congratulated Egypt and Tunisia for their qualification for the African nations, in general in our group." Everyone was waiting for Egypt and Tunisia to qualify, respectful of the other teams that participated in the same group, "he said.

"The Tunisian team won Egypt in Tunisia with the goal, and the Egyptian team wants to take the lead, the next showdown will be difficult and the most targeted team is the one who gets the three points. "

Salah Fakhr for any Arabic

"The experience of Mohammed Salah Fakhr for any Arab or African, Salah is an exemplary example – he has worked so hard for himself that he has reached this stage." hope he'll come back to scoring like last season. "

Maaloul said his most difficult match against Al-Ahli was against Esperance last season in the African Champions League, especially because that penalized Esperance in the first period, pointing out that he returned to second half and that he contributed well to the victory of the team.

Cartier is a wonderful coach

"At first, my relationship with the Caritron began since my participation in the 2018 World Cup, and before I saw it, there was a connection between him and after each game. encouraged, even if he did not show very well, "he said. "I was a great player and I was able to provide good form in the next match, and after the tournament I met him in Al-Ahly, he congratulated me and confirmed his confidence in me and my ability to return to the best level.Fractly, I feel comfortable with him.Aparticularly with the technical instructions that I use, and at the Art Secretariat completely, with the presence of Mohammed Yusuf and the rest of the machine , have great confidence and the powers of Carteron, who pay each of them to provide all his potential advantage of the team.

The fact of the European offers

The Tunisian player announced the news of his departure from the Red Fort, stating: "Each transfer period is reluctant to be a candidate at the start of the club due to professional offers, until the moment of my injury I leave the club , which is indicative of the status I get.I have already received more than one European offer from France and Portugal over the period spent with Al Ahli and the last one after my participation in the World Cup with the Tunisian team, but I've always left the decision in the hands of the club,

Maaloul revealed that Hossam Ashour, Mohamed El Shennawi, Walid Azarou and Junior Ajay. They are closest to him in the team, including Ashour and Al-Shennawi, where they always meet outside the stadium for lunch or dinner, alongside Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir and Walid. Suleiman, stressing that he loved Cristiano Ronaldo and the way Marcelo played at his center. Oil

"I thank al-Ahli's fans tremendously over the past three years, and have found support, support and love for me," said Maaloul at the end of his speech. "My gratitude is indescribable for this general public, they support the club and its players in all difficult moments, its audience is Hama."

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