"Mahboubi" evokes memories of the 1990s in the United Arab Emirates


Dina Saad, a new Gulf song entitled "Mahboubi"
The words of the great Kurdish poet, composed by the Kuwaiti composer Abdul Aziz Al-Abkal, and the distribution of Khaled

As for "Mahboubi", said Dina in a press release: "The song evokes
All that is related to our memories of the end of the 90s and the beginning of the millennium in the United Arab Emirates and the generation
The new must be implemented in a modern and simple way. "

"The song is not my first project.I have several previous projects
The song "Habib Umak" as well as the song "La Tnadini" and a song
"What's cooling your nerves," And a duet
"Yayen Nami" with the artist Walid Al-Jassim and I cherish these choices tremendously. "

Dina Saad, who has emigrated to the UAE for many years,
From a leading artistic group in Egypt, his father, musician Ali Saad, composer and music composer
Pioneers of Egyptian musical theater and received a national award bearing his name (Ali Saad Award for Theater Music)
And his mother, the artist capable Fathia Tantawi, who is considered one of the artists of the generation of gold
Egyptian theater and theater.

Dina studied art at school, where she studied in Egypt and then France, before her arrival
In the United Arab Emirates and working in the field of voice training, and supervised the training of stars
Great Arab singers such as Balqees and Diana Haddad.

She has also participated in important and influential songs on the art scene in the United Arab Emirates.
, Such as the operetta "Light Grapes" and "Emirates My Country", as well as
Operett "Dam Ezzak Yaouten" and many national songs and albums
And participated in the supervision and writing of musical voices and sometimes sang in many songs
The official national of several countries and above all the peace in the United Arab Emirates
Nine times during official ceremonies.

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