Maintaining wetlands is an urgent necessity for human life – AAST Dubai


Dubai, 25 October (WAM) – A recent report from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
"WWF" countries are stepping up efforts to protect and restore systems
The most valuable environmental support that supports a sustainable future for man and nature
Wetlands continue to decline at an alarming rate.

The report – launched at the thirteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention
Ramsar wetlands in Dubai – stressed the importance of wetlands
Addressing many of the most pressing humanitarian challenges
Mitigate climate change and provide adequate food for the population
Grow around the world to halt the decline of biodiversity and provide
Water for fast growing cities.

The report highlighted some of the Fund's significant achievements over the years
The most important of these is the support of 377 Ramsar sites in 52 countries
From Argentina to Zimbabwe with an area of ​​about 110 million hectares
Internationally protected wetlands – twice the size of Spain
Ramsar now has the largest network of protected areas in the world
Nearly half of them have been categorized by country with support from the Global Fund.
Of nature.

In the United Arab Emirates, Emirates Wildlife Society has contributed to
In collaboration with WWF for the effective management of Ramsar sites
In the United Arab Emirates and specifically Wadi Al-Wraya in Fujairah.

The association worked closely with the Fujairah municipality for 12 years
Preservation of Wadi Al-Warya National Park. Environmental preservation efforts have contributed to
In many aspects of obtaining the certificate.

It should be noted that the first research and specialized teaching center was opened in the field.
The water in the valley in partnership with Fujairah Municipality, HSBC, Earth Watch and Shadow
For 5 years, inspires local and regional communities to conserve resources
Freshwater for current and future use.

In addition, the Department of the Environment and Nature Reserves announced a group of
Emirates Marine Environment and Emirates Wildlife Society in collaboration with the Fund
World Nature earlier this week for a pioneering partnership will witness one
The three parties work together to support the preservation of Sir Bo Nair Island
In Sharjah.

The partnership aims to highlight the cultural significance of the island
Sair Bou Nair and his skill in elevating the global landscape as a model for sustained efforts
Conservation and management of marine life in the UAE.

However, wetlands are still global – such as rivers
Coral reefs, wetlands, mangroves, swamps and ponds
Algae – does not receive the appreciation and care it deserves by continuing
Dry, dig and damage humans.

Wetlands are systems that support our lives and yet they deteriorate
It is being destroyed at a frightening speed and our hopes for a sustainable future are lost. "

Said Stewart Orr, head of the Global Fund's freshwater team
"The Ramsar Convention remains our best hope to protect this
Resources are invaluable and all the benefits they offer to communities and cities
Economies and ecosystems ".

Wetlands sustain life as a habitat for proximity
40% of the world's species of organisms while providing water to people
More than a billion people depend on wetlands for their livelihood.

Wetlands play a vital role in mitigating climate change
S & # 39; adapt as it stores huge amounts of carbon while helping the plains
Flood and healthy Crimea trees protect cities from severe floods
And storms.

But over the last 45 years, the world has lost 35%
Of the remaining wetlands – and the loss rate has only increased since
In 2000.

And the Living Planet Report 2016 of the Global Living Fund
Freshwater has decreased by more than 80%
Hundred for a similar period.

The report called on countries – 170 of which are signatories to the Ramsar Convention – to:
Take urgent measures to stop the destruction. Stressing the need for governments to increase the number of
Ramsar protected sites to help them meet their obligations under the objectives
Sustainable Development, Convention on Biological Diversity and Paris Agreement on Change
The climate.

Parallel to the traditional protection efforts that countries must adopt
And implement innovative approaches to wetland security, such as taking advantage of the opportunities it offers.
Water storage solutions and helps create a role for the private sector in which to associate
As president of wetland protection.

"Swamps, marshes and Crimean trees may not be famous and attractive
Such as tropical forests and coral reefs, but we can not survive without them "
"The world must estimate wetlands and increase," said Orr
And climate change becomes an unavoidable reality
Wetlands are the best natural defense against floods and devastating storms
As well as the daily supply of water and food. "

Although the report focuses on WWF support for the creation of regions
A new wetland reserve is working with communities and partners at the same time
Governments must protect and manage wetlands and raise awareness of the need for
The urgency of ending the destruction of the remains of these vital ecosystems.

– Sun –

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