Malmö selects a number of films in competition for the "development phase"


The Malmö Festival selects a number of films in competition for the "Development Stage" Nassim News award, quoting Al Masry Today, we publish the Malmö Festival, which selects a number of films for the "Development Stage" ".

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Advertise on the site of the festival "Malmo". The Arab Film Festival of Malmö has selected 11 projects for the development phase, and 5 Afla to compete for post-production. The founder and director of the Arab Film Festival of Malmö, Mohamed Kablawi, said: "We have presented more than 65 projects, the selection committee has struggled to distinguish them, we are very serious about these projects and we are proud that the Malmö Festival continues for the fourth year in a row: Arab filmmakers in the completion of their projects, and its continuation as a bridge between the Arabs and the Scandinavian countries in projects distinguished by joint production. " Malmö Arab film will invite at least one representative for each of the 16 selected projects to attend the Malmö Festival (6-8 October), where film actors will present their projects to the jury The problem is the elite of the experts of the Industry, and we look forward to the interesting discussions that take place during these performances. "
Premiere: the films selected to present themselves for post-production: A. Flower Zamoom, Egypt: Lama Bentold, Production of Moataz Abdel Wahab and Directed by Tamer Ezzat Ezzat From Tunisia: Fataria , produced by Richard Magnine and directed by Walid Taya B – Long documentaries: From Palestine: smuggled sperm, production of Nada Annab and directed by Sawsan Qaoud From Tunisia: The cemetery house, the production budget of Nada and directed by Heba Douadi

Second: Selection of films for development: a) Feature films: From Palestine: A Respectable Family, Arab Producer: Rachid Abdelhamid, Swedish Producer: Linda Mutawa From Lebanon: Costa Brava, Lebanon, Producer Arabic: Mariam Sassine, Swedish producer: Oliver Gourbillon From Lebanon: Part of the country of Ma, Arab producer: Leopold Ajami, Swedish producer: Jonas Kellagher From Jordan: Joy, Arab producer: Darine Salam, Swedish producer: William Johans French-Egyptian co-production: Inverted, Arab producer: Mohamed Siam, Swedish producer: Krister Nelson.

B. Long documentaries: from Egypt: Omar El Sherif, Arab producer: Mark Lotfi, Swedish producer: Sigrid Helidi. Mixed Libyan American production: looking for a product, Arab product: Cihan Khaya, Swedish producer: Andreas Roxin. From Iraq: a beautiful country Arab producer: Hassanein Khazal, Swedish producer: Peter Kropnin. Short films: From Jordan: Abandoning the ghost, Arab producer: Zain Durrai, Swedish producer: Helen Grantfest. From Tunisia: Worms will never know the paradise Arab producer: Naguib Naguib Ayad, Swedish producer: Leif Mohlin. From Egypt: Everyday at 6am, Arab producer: Yasser Shafi & # 39; i, Swedish producer: William Johansson.

The eighth edition of the Malmö Festival will be held from 5 to 9 October 2018. The Malmö Film Festival will also be held from 6 to 8 October 2018.

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