Management of the participation of the festival Diaz is Halima Boland: did not accept the entrance


The management of the Deyaar Al-Ezz Festival in Al-Baha has denied rumors about the media's invitation to participate in its activities, following a two-day video showing its participation in several events in Saudi Arabia. ] Mohammad Al-Zahrani, spokesman for the Al-Baha Festival Media Center, said that what was going on about Halima Boland's invitation was inaccurate and that she had concluded no contract with them, pointing out that they were surprised to arrive in the yard with producer Khalid Mnqah. She explained that she was a guest of honor in the activities of Deyar Al-Ezz and explained that when she was rejected by the events department, she published a deceptive video stating that She had established her efficiency and added that Snabat Halima was clear and that Balgharshi Ezz who is located in the Raghadan Forest in the city Al-Baha, who indicates his lies, even though he came to publish the events of the house of splendor and non-deceptive video of the interior of the hotel.

Halima Boland had published a video a few days ago, in which she was attending a working lunch in Riyadh, where she participated in the Deyar Al-Ezz festival in Al-Baha, amid the rejection of those who denounced their entry into the kingdom and their participation in the Saudi events, explaining that there is someone more worthy to participate in such festivals.

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