Manchester United Serbian star Nemanja Matic: I will not wear the poppy flower symbol


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Manchester United midfielder Nemanja Matic said he would not put the poppy seed on his jersey during the match against United and his rivals Manchester City on Sunday.

This flower symbolizes the death and wounds of the British army and is worn by many Britons in the approach of "Remembrance Day", which falls on November 11 of each year, the date of the truce of the First World War of 11/11/1918. .

As every year, Britain will commemorate the "Day of Remembrance" of that day.

Matesh called on United fans to respect his decision.

The poppy symbol recalled NATO's air campaign against Serbia, its homeland, in 1999, at the age of 12.

Matesch was the only player in United who did not put the code on his shirt during the Bournemouth match in the English Premier League on Saturday, which allowed the Red Devils to win two goals.

"I appreciate why people carry the poppy symbol, and I fully respect their right to do so and sympathize with those who have lost loved ones during wars," Matesh said in a letter sent to Entgram.

"But for me, this symbol only reminds me of the attack that I personally felt when I was a terrified 12-year-old boy in the town of Frillo when my country was destroyed by the city." Bombing of 1999. "

"Even though I was wearing this symbol in the past, I do not think today, after much thought, that it is appropriate to put this badge on my t-shirt," he said.

"I do not want to underestimate the value of the poppy flower as a symbol of pride in Britain, I do not want to hurt anyone, but we are all the product of the education we have gained and that Is my personal choice for the reasons I mentioned. "

Stoke City midfielder James McLean made a similar call last week, asking supporters to respect his decision not to put the code on his jersey during matches.

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