Map of support to countries of terrorism in the Arab States


The Arabic news channel Sky News was the only one to report on Qatar's support for terrorism in Arab countries.

Beginning with welcoming the point of view of the terrorist organization Yusuf al-Qaradawi, known as "Mufti of Hate", according to US media, Doha's support for terrorism has spread to several Arab countries.

According to the report, in Yemen, security authorities found Qatari weapons in a prison for organizing terrorist brothers in Aden.

In Libya, scandals continue to support Doha with weapons and money, bringing Qatari forces to Libyan territory to help the Tripoli militias expand their control in Mtteqa and Misrata.

According to a report from the UN refugee agency, since the fall of Gaddafi, Qatar has focused on supporting militias in Tripoli, thus reinforcing the state of transnational terrorism.

In Syria, Doha hosts groups and affiliates of al-Qaeda, mainly the Nasra Front, and has repeatedly played the role of mediator in the release of dozens of Nasra Front prisoners.

By way of example, Doha paid a ransom for the terrorists to release the Maaloula nuns in March 2014.

This article, entitled "Map of support to countries of terrorism in Arab countries", is an adaptation of Yemen's Arab site. It does not reflect the policy of the website or the point of view of any form whatsoever and the responsibility lies with the source of the original information.

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