Mars at the closest point to the current 31 Earth


Abu Dhabi: The Gulf

In a special astronomical event, the Mars and Saturn planets are located at the closest point to the Earth.The two planets are easily visible to the naked eye.After bedtime from the sun and darkness, Mars can be seen as a bright orange Above the eastern horizon, and higher right, Saturn can be seen as a brightly colored golden magpie just below March. "This phenomenon is called the encounter, and when the planet, the earth and the sun are on the same straightness, and the earth is in the middle, which means that the sun and the planet are opposite in the sky. The sun is on the west side and the planet is shining from the east, and the planet remains visible in the sky at the same time throughout the night until it is also absent at sunrise. the next day.
The most important feature of the convergence phenomenon is that the planet is as close as possible to the Earth, which means that it then seems as large and bright as possible from the Earth. "For Mars, the meeting will take place on Friday, July 27, and the closest distance between Earth and Earth will be July 31, where the distance will be 58 million km, and Mars will meet every two years." [19659003] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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