Megan, Prince Harry's wife, leaves Kensington Palace, pregnant


According to the British media, the relationship was tense between Kate Middleton and Megan Markle, my wife, the British emirs William and Harry.

The Daily Mail quotes a source from the royal family: "Kate and Megan are different personalities, do not integrate with each other."

The report was released a few days after the official announcement that Prince Harry and Megan had left Kensington Palace to settle in a rural house 32 kilometers from Kensington and consisted of 10 bedrooms.

According to the media, it is very clear that Kate and Megan are different, even in the clothes they wear and in media relations.

The sources said that William and Kate are very popular among royal family staff, while Megan can be sometimes rude to some of the staff.

News The news agency: Megan, the wife of Prince Harry, leaves the Kensington Palace, she is pregnant. You can consult the source of the original news from the following link: The Parliament of Morocco and the website of the unit are released from any responsibility for the content of any news.

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