Microsoft Acquires Obsidian and InXile Game Development Studios


Oud Al Hazm

Microsoft has announced a new acquisition of two entertainment studios, Obsidian Entertainment and InXile Entertainment.

Microsoft has announced a new acquisition of two entertainment studios, Obsidian Entertainment and InXile Entertainment.

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Microsoft has reached an agreement to finalize the acquisition of Obsidian Entertainment and inXile Entertainment.

Obsidian Entertainment Development Studio was established in 2003 by the makers of Feargus Urquhart's first Black Isle studio, while InXile Entertainment created a group of computer and RPG experts.

Obsidian Entertainment Studios is also famous for its two most popular game titles developed by its studios for an exclusive Xbox gaming console, such as Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

Games development studios also offered a range of RPG games for computers and gaming platforms, including Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick of Truth and Pillars of Eternity.

Microsoft has confirmed that Obsidian Entertainment and InXile Entertainment will continue to operate autonomously after the acquisition, as well as to support the innovation and development of RPG projects in the studios, which will be part of Microsoft Studios. , which counts up to now 13 teams.

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