Minister of the Business Sector: The "Proposals Program" Companies were Required to Divide the Shares in Preparation for the IPO


Hisham Tawfik, Minister of the Public Sector, charged the companies of the sector of a division of the shares in preparation of the program of proposals

The Minister declared in a statement to Al-Masry Al-Youm: " I have not yet got my hands and waited for our meeting with the proposal program committee, which includes 23 companies, including state-owned companies. "

He explained that he had requested the meeting with the Committee of Proposals, especially that he did not meet any, he will now talk about the Iron and Steel Company. and its development plan

The Minister of Finance, will hold a global press conference in a few days, which next week in partnership with the relevant ministries and participation in the program, led by the state-owned enterprises sector , may announce a timetable for the program of proposals.

The source added that the conference will include the announcement of each company and the date on the Egyptian Stock Exchange, the size of the offer, or the share of this, and disclosure of current procedures for program proposals.And 4% in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, which started a few days ago and ends in late September, should be followed by the company's offer INBI "but in the same quarter or the first month of the second quarter which is in October

The Ministry of Finance announced the list of companies in the program of proposals last March, which included the first phase of the company's 39 Program Engineering for the Oil and Chemical Industries "ENPI", the Egyptian Drilling Company and the Midor Oil Assiut Oil Refining Company and the Alexandria Mineral Oils Amoc Company, Petrochemicals, Petrochemicals of Sidi Kerir, Egyptian Company of Ethylene and Derivatives, Ethocco, Abu Bakir Fertilizers, Al-Wadi for Phosphates and Fertilizers, Egyptian Methanol Corporation for Methanol and Egyptian Society for Alkaline Essence,

The Logistics Sector Includes Alexandria Container Handling Company, Port Said Container Handling Company, Damietta Container Handling Company, Financial Services Sector, Housing & Development Bank, Bank of Alexandria, Ba Cairo and E-finance. Misr Insurance Company and the real estate sector, including the housing and development company Heliopolis, the housing and development company Nasr City, the consumer services sector, Eastern Tobacco Company, Industry Sector and Misr Aluminum Company.

This is part of the government's 80 billion-pound program, and as the market value of the companies offered to 430 billion pounds, it is decided that the company's percentages of 15 to 30%.

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