Mitsubishi Motors has saved his savior from bankruptcy .. Ghosn loses a new round


The world was stunned by the arrest of Frenchman Carlos Ghosn for financial crimes and by the loss of a man who was one of the world's most prominent businessmen. Automobile and business. Since his sudden arrest last week, he has published daily leaks and numerous reports on one of the main reasons. Ghosn denied the accusations.
Ghosn lost a new newspaper on Monday when Mitsubishi Motors' board of directors in Japan announced the dismissal of Ghosn following a similar action by Nissan after it was accused of financial irregularities, ending the commercial process. saved the Japanese society.
According to "French", after his sudden arrest last Monday, the French-Brazilian businessman of Lebanese origin began his second week in a detention center in Japan for concealing some of his revenues of about $ 44 million over several years. He is also accused of exploiting the company's property to his advantage.
The board members of the company said in a brief statement that it was "difficult" to keep Ghosn in power after his arrest a week ago in Tokyo.
After an emergency meeting of senior executives at Mitsubishi Motors in Tokyo that lasted more than an hour, the company announced Monday at a meeting of the board of directors that Mr Ghosn had been removed from his position as Chairman of the Board.
Ghosn denied any concealment of his income and embezzlement of which he was accused. When questioned, Ghosn did not use his right to remain silent and pointed out that he did not intend to hide income, according to sources quoted by the television that he did not not specified.
The decision of Mitsubishi Motors comes a few days after a similar decision taken last Thursday by Nissan.
Nissan's board unanimously decided on Thursday to remove Ghosn from his position as Chairman of the Board, prompting a sudden coup in Ghosn's life.
"After reviewing a detailed report of an internal investigation, the board of directors voted unanimously to dismiss Carlos Ghosn for the presidency," the administrators said.
Ghosn, 64, was commended for many years for rescuing Nissan from bankruptcy early in the year 2000 and then rescuing Mitsubishi Motors, alongside a strong alliance with French group Renault .
Ghosn has been renowned for the restructuring of Renault and Nissan since the 1990s. Renault was awarded to the Japanese manufacturer in 1999 and tasked Ghosn with reducing costs and jobs as part of a massive restructuring.
In 2016, Ghosn faced off against Mestoishi, who was struggling after being rescued by Nissan by buying a third of its shares for $ 2.2 billion, while she was facing a scandal over consumer readings of fuel that had resulted in lower sales.
But the tripartite alliance is in the wind: Ghosn was the only link between the alliance Japan-France, which moved his companies about 10,000 kilometers.
In turn, his assistant, Greg Kelly, described as the brain of the alleged irregularities, denied the charges, according to reported information, pointing out that Ghosn's salary was properly paid.
Hiroto Seikawa, executive director of Nissan, addressed the staff. Sikawa, who was chosen by Ghosn himself, said in a letter to his staff that he was "dissatisfied and disappointed".
During a 45-minute meeting at the company's headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, which was relayed internally to other sites, Seikawa pointed out that the scandal should not affect the day-to-day activities of the company. giant company.
"I am very disappointed and disappointed that I can not express it," he told the staff.
According to local media, "Nissan" has formed a "secret" cell within the company to investigate alleged financial irregularities.
Officials quickly investigated the concern that Ghosn was working on a complete merger between Nissan and Renault, Kyodo News reported without naming its sources.
Renault is the dominant partner of the alliance, with 43% of Nissan shares, but the Japanese group outperforms its French counterpart, raising concerns in Tokyo about the balance of power.
The French government holds 15% of Renault's capital. Up until now, Renault has decided to support Ghosn and has appointed its deputy, Thierry Bouleuré, to temporarily follow the company.
The tripartite alliance is the world's largest producer of cars, with 10.6 million cars sold. The alliance employs around 450,000 people worldwide.
The French Minister of Economy, Bruno Lemerre, urged the Japanese company to share "quickly" the information collected, saying that Mr. Ghosn would remain at the head of Renault until " concrete accusations "be brought.
But Lemerre said, "I do not believe in a conspiracy theory," while a report on a "coup d'etat" within Nissan would have prevented a subsidiary from merging with Renault.
The challenge now is to find an appropriate alternative to tripartite leadership.
The status of the Alliance, based in the Netherlands, states that Renault appoints the managing director while Nissan chooses his deputy.
"The fact is that they are already looking for an alternative," said a source close to the Paris file, "not to do it would be irresponsible … it must be acceptable to the Japanese and the French."
Investors seemed to be recovering from the first shock of Ghosn's arrest, which had resulted in heavy losses in the shares of the three companies.
With the closing of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nissan achieved gains of 2%, while Mitsubishi Motors gained more than 3% before the board meeting.
The Japanese media are still leaked on alleged acts. "The authorities plan to arrest him again to deprive him of his salary of an additional 3 billion yen, for a total of $ 71 million – over the next three fiscal years," Asahi Shimbun newspaper said.
Under Japanese law, suspects may be subject to additional arrest warrants, which may result in harsher sentences. Under the current charges, Mr. Ghosn faces 10 years in prison or 10 billion yen fine.
According to Kyodo, Nissan has paid 100,000 dollars a year since 2002 to Ghosn's sister for a non-existent "advisory" role.
According to the Mainchini Shimbun newspaper, Mr Ghosn reportedly used money for Nissan to pay donations to his daughter 's university and organize family trips with the money from the company. business.

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