Mohammed bin Rashid: We want creativity to be present in all our initiatives and projects


The Vice President of the United Arab Emirates, Prime Minister and Sovereign of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that the UAE was amazed by the development process and placed the individual and society at the forefront. plan of its priorities. Tradition to creativity and turn ideas into achievements.

This was announced at the inauguration of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum yesterday at the initiative of Brand Dubai, the creative body of the Dubai Government Media Office, which is implemented in partnership with the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA). The Dubai Tourism Council and the Dubai Sports Council, which include several initiatives and activities aimed at celebrating Jumeirah Street, are part of the history of the emirate and bear witness to the development of Dubai and provide a bridge between its past and his present.

"As part of our ongoing quest to turn Dubai into an open museum, today we launched a Jumeirah project," he said in a message posted on his official website, on the social networking site. Twitter. "The aesthetic and cultural additions of Jumeirah will make it more beautiful and sparkling like the rest of our city.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Government of Dubai Government Information Office, adopted the theme of "Project Jumeirah" in its blue color, which will be the hallmark of its various initiatives and activities. At any time.

A cultural destination

Sheikh Zayed underscored the goals of the integrated project to transform the Jumeirah region into a cultural destination and magnet for Emirati, Arab and foreign artists from around the world, and to highlight the status of this region. vital region which constitutes a major tourist attraction in Dubai. The plans to create a new image of the Assert region at different stages of the history of the emirate date back to ancient times and currently constitute a model of modern life with all the manifestations of civilization and progress.

His Highness also identified the various components of the project, which will include the implementation of a number of creative works that will be distributed along the Jumeirah Road of the canal to Burj Al Arab and Madinat Jumeirah, as well as the many events and activities included in the project agenda throughout the year. Sports competitions and cultural and community activities in a setting whose elements are integrated under one roof to highlight the important historical and creative value of this part of Dubai.

Think creatively

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum expressed his gratitude for the project's objectives and praised the innovative spirit and creative work bringing together government agencies in Dubai and enabling them to propose quality initiatives adapted to the continuous progress of the city and reflecting the unique nature of the Emirates. As a beacon of cultural outreach and a major center to encourage creativity in various forms, it has confirmed its status as a premier tourist attraction, attracted by a prominent place among the most important tourist destinations to regional and global levels.


"The advanced working method, the ambitious vision and the clear objectives are the way to go beyond tradition to creativity and turn ideas into achievements … UAE has amazed the world with a process of development that has placed the individual and society at the top of its priorities … Our goal is to continue to focus on our future opportunities, which helps us to win the front of the scene by adopting a thinking that uses creativity as a bridge to achieve the highest levels of excellence in all areas. "

He added: "We want to innovate in all our initiatives and projects … and our encouragement for unique ideas have no limits … Our goal is to make Dubai a museum in which the world sees the features of its race against the clock in the field of development … The UAE will continue to be a model for the meaningful development of the happiness of society, and an example by stimulating non-traditional thinking among its members and allowing creative energy to contribute to the advancement of our future. "

Mona Ghanem Al Marri, General Manager of the Dubai Government Media Office, Rain Humaid Al Tayer, Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Roads and Transport Authority, Daoud Abdulrahman Al Hajri, Director Dubai Municipality and Hilal Saeed Al Marri, also attended the launch of the project. General Manager of the Tourism and Trade Marketing Department in Dubai and Saeed Hareb, Secretary General of the Dubai Sports Council.

The heart of the city

The Jumeirah project reflects the importance of this vital region, located in the heart of the city, which represents the different components of tourism and community value, but also historic, which reflects the development of Dubai during different periods of the history of the Arabian Peninsula. Attractions, both for Dubai residents as for visitors from within and outside the country, with a variety of options, in the forefront of which include some of the most tourist and hotel facilities of the emirate.

The new project aims to achieve a number of goals corresponding to the status of this vital part of Dubai, including the tourist attractions that make it the visitor center, including luxury hotels, shopping malls and restaurants that offer its users a contemporary concept and experiences tailored to the different requirements of the people of the emirate. And the visitors.

The creative work of Brand Dubai, which is part of the project in partnership with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the Municipality of Dubai, is a unique aspect of the project and follows the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for turn Dubai into an "open museum". The aim of the Dubai brand is to highlight the concept of innovation, which is the essence and foundation of the achievements that have made Dubai a model of global development based on the achievement of community happiness and the promotion of a positive energy among all its members.

The Jumeirah project includes 30 works of art in collaboration with 30 Emirati Arab and international artists spread over 30 sites along Jumeirah Road, confirming the world status of this vital artery, which constitutes a leading destination not only at the state level but also in the Gulf region. This work will address a variety of topics reflecting the important characteristics of the Dubai community, especially the ancient and the recent Jumeirah, as their development symbolizes the overall development of the city.

Memories of Jumeirah

The themes of the murals that will rise above the walls of several houses overlooking the Jumeirah Street façade will perfectly fit in with the idea of ​​linking the past to the present, reflecting the approach taken. by Dubai to preserve both originality and modernity, as well as important societal characteristics of the various stages of this ancient district, It is linked to the history of the past and thus contributes to the development of the general cultural landscape and aesthetic character of the emirate.

The project will be distributed to a number of bus stations located on Jumeirah Road, which will give a new dimension to the emirate's urban mobility network, key element of the state-of-the-art infrastructure that has developed its position advanced among the fastest growing and fastest growing cities in the world. .

In addition to providing public carriers in Dubai the opportunity to enjoy the creativity of a number of renowned international artists in a panoramic screen that broadcasts a series of positive messages through the channels. acts that symbolize important aspects of the memory of Jumeirah and Dubai in general.


The Jumeirah Project, associated with the creative work of the aesthetic aspect of the region, includes a wide range of activities, tourism and entertainment, arts and culture, as well as sports competitions that will constitute a combined annual calendar for the Jumeirah region .

The different components of the project combine to create a new identity for Jumeirah Street as an integrated cultural, community, sporting and creative destination, offering many attractive options for thousands of visitors a day in the Jumeirah region, strengthening objectives of the project and highlighting its results.

The event will be held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Board, to encourage residents and visitors to Dubai to practice 30 minutes of daily sport for 30 days to make Dubai the most active city in the world. This challenge is an opportunity to encourage all members of society of all ages to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on exercise.

Sports activities in the Jumeirah project range from marathons to swimming, fitness, triathlon, yoga classes and beach ball competitions. In addition, many races can be enjoyed on Jumeirah Beach. Traditional dhow race.


The annual Government Games program, the first of its kind in the world, organized by the Executive Board, made up of teams representing various government agencies and departments of the United Arab Emirates, includes a unique model that combines physical and mental challenges for stimulate the spirit of the team. Take on the varied challenges of these games and offer rewarding prizes to winning teams of up to one million AED.


Jumeirah has a wide range of attractions, including the breathtaking views of the Persian Gulf Coast, the best beaches in the world and the world's best leisure facilities along the Jumeirah Highway, including Burj Al Arab, Madinat Jumeirah, Wild Valley and other excellent tourist facilities and services frequented daily by thousands of visitors, including parks and parks.

Mona Al Marri: a project that embodies the creativity of Dubai

On the Occasion of the Inauguration of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, yesterday, the "Project Jumeirah", initiated by Brand Dubai , the creative body of the Dubai government's media service, said that the launch of the Jumeirah project by Brand Dubai is part of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to turn Dubai into an open museum.

The project embodies the creative spirit that Dubai has always enjoyed and it shows in most of its accomplishments that it has managed to occupy a prominent place among the fastest growing cities in the world.L & # 39; Innovation remains the dominant feature of Dubai's thinking and approach to work as well as its future plans. To overcome the temporal obstacles and create today what the world will do in 10 years, taking note of the exemplary cooperation between all project stakeholders, cornerstone of the success of its objectives.

The General Manager of the Dubai Government Information Office has expressed his pride for Brand Dubai as part of its strategy to showcase all forms of creativity in Dubai, both artistic and cultural as well as sports and community. In one entity, its success fosters successful cooperation and constructive partnership with all stakeholders and in a general context that brings together the many diverse initiatives and events of Jumeirah Street throughout the year, through its facilities. , its tourism facilities and services, as well as its cultural activities. Which attracts thousands of visitors every day.

"We will work closely with our project partners and we have a long tradition of accomplishing with them in the implementation of several initiatives and projects, among them," she said. The Dubai Technical Museum, which will include the Jumeirah Project, is the fourth phase.

Mattar Al Tayer: highlights the historical value of Jumeirah

Matar Humaid Al Tayer, General Manager and Chairman of the Roads and Transport Authority's (RTA) Board of Directors, welcomed the idea of ​​the Jumeirah Project initiated by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Sovereign of Dubai. This has the effect of enhancing the cultural landscape of a region that includes one of the most important traffic hubs in Dubai, Jumeirah Road.

Highlighting the historical and cultural value of this street, which was associated with road congestion caused by the desire to visit a large part of the population of Dubai at different times of the day, as well as to attract a large number of visitors to Dubai , both inside and outside the country, including tourism options and various services.

Al Tayer emphasized that the CRJ encourages innovation among its strategic objectives and employs it to improve all the opportunities that support it, and spares no effort to encourage creative ideas, the Authority seeking to embrace creativity as the basis of its future direction. With it leading the ranks of the world's cities applied to the most modern and advanced solutions in the field of the mobility of civilizations.

For example, the "Flying Taxi" that Dubai is expected to be the first city in the world to use, while the Dubai Metro, the first self-driving metro in the Arab region, bears witness to the previous Dubai in this area and to its initiative. use the latest technology in mobility.

"The Jumeirah project is an important addition to Dubai's creative program," said Mattar Al Tayer. "It is a vital destination for Dubai residents and visitors from both inside and outside the country, where all initiatives and activities will be brought together under one roof. This requires cooperation to find all the elements necessary for the success of the project, which is in line with Dubai's strategic objectives and affirms its global status.

Daoud Al Hajri: a project that conveys a distinctive image of Jumeirah

The engineer Daoud Abdulrahman Al Hajri, general manager of the Dubai Municipality, stressed the value of the Jumeirah project for the overall development efforts in Dubai, incorporating a number of important elements to create the world's largest development project. overall picture of the Jumeirah region. The urban development of Dubai and this part of the Arabian Peninsula during the different periods of the region includes archaeological discoveries dating back to the 10th century AD, which are also today an example of Dubai and the Middle Ages. modernity.

Al-Hajri praised the idea of ​​the project and expressed hope to further contribute to the achievement of its objectives, including through cooperation with all parties involved in its implementation.

"The project offers a new framework that brings together many initiatives and integrates creative work with cultural and sporting activities." The project focuses on the urban value of Jumeirah, one of the priorities of the Dubai Municipality, which spares no effort to showcase the vibrant cultural face of Dubai. Cooperation with various leading actors in Dubai.

Hilal Al Marri: a unique character of Dubai attractions

Hilal Saeed Al Marri, General Manager of the Dubai World Trade Center (DTCM), General Manager of Dubai Tourism and Trade Marketing Department (DTCM), hailed the objectives of the Jumeirah project launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice president and prime minister of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Dubai. Expected.

All the more so as it is implemented in an area considered as one of the most important of the emirate, including hotel and leisure facilities that have contributed to the promotion of Dubai as a global tourist destination, which attracts millions of visitors every year from around the world.

"We are delighted to be part of this great project which is an extension of the ongoing development efforts in the emirate," said Al Marri. "Dubai Tourism organizes quality activities and events that we look forward to to ensure the success of the project objectives and to create a new functionality.It is also a cultural and sports center and a new center of creativity that combines works that celebrate the authentic heritage of our country and the important features of the ascent of Dubai and its ambitious journey to the future.

Insist on Dubai's excellence in style and creative thinking, and that "Dubai Tourism" spares no effort in translating this approach.

Hareb said: Sports activities reflect Jumeirah's historic vitality

Saeed Hareb, secretary general of the Dubai Sports Council, expressed his pride in participating in the Jumeirah project, which is part of its efforts to raise awareness of healthy living and sports culture, thus translating General orientation of Dubai as a city that drives all its residents and visitors to follow Promotes movement and physical activity in order to continue life in ways that ensure the health of all members of society.

"We are delighted to contribute to the Jumeirah project by offering a range of sports activities organized by the Dubai Sports Council throughout the year, reflecting the vital nature of the region and encouraging a Healthy living corresponding to Dubai's interest in the health of the community.For outdoor sports.

Hareb explained that the Dubai Sports strategy aimed to strengthen the status of the emirate as a destination for stars around the world, while encouraging city residents to exercise and adopt this approach as a daily way of life.

"The Jumeirah region is unique in nature and is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, making it a great place for sports activities, and the region's sports facilities help to attract large number of spectators.

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