Monitor and analyze with us the most confiscated equipment of passengers


<img width = "590" height = "295" src = "" class = "wp-post-image "alt =" Dubai Customs confiscates 10325 frozen egg and poultry units since 2017
Dubai Customs has shown Al Bayan that both poultry products Freeze and eggs are among the most commodities confiscated to travelers arriving in the country via Dubai airports: the number of frozen poultry confiscated in 2017 amounted to 2,890 units, eggs reached 3900 units and other commodities reached 30 units, frozen poultry confiscated approximately 1232 units and Eggs and 2303 units, for a total of 10,325 eggs and frozen poultry units since 2017.


Dubai Customs has confirmed that the import of food is subject to a year of regulation by the Department of Food Security of the Municipality of Dubai On the other hand, Article (2 / D) of Customs Policy No. 12 of 2006 concerning the declaration of personal luggage of passengers and their inspection and exemptions from customs duties and taxes indicated that Prevention and Customs Procedures No. 04/2007 introduction poultry and Ntjat birds with travelers from the state.

Personal Luggage

The personal luggage that travelers bring with them, Customs explained that there are specific quantities and conditions in the types and quantities introduced as long as the fare applies to commercial quantities. And for 30 days at the request of the traveler to 60 days with the approval of the director of the customs office, the seized materials will be transferred to the auction at the end of the holding period, for all applicable customs procedures to imported goods.

and stressed that the traveler should be aware of personal baggage, noting that the traveler can not carry with him large quantities of medication, even if they are for personal use, can be booked and may result in a case criminal, pointing out that the drugs must be issued by the competent doctor. And the next may have to get special permission from the Ministry of Health and Community Protection to take drugs in quantities more than allowed.

Health Approval

and finding that under the Customs Act, all kinds of drugs are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, the customs authorities refer the drugs at the Ministry of Health. Before the customs authorities.

Dubai Customs said that individuals can bring their personal and household items to the UAE on an exemption from customs duties. Exemption applies to citizens residing abroad on their return to stay in the This applies to foreigners coming to the UAE for the first time. Household items are used, and the quantity is sufficient to use a house.

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