Mourinho: Villaini caused loss of Manchester Derby


Ziad Al Mirghani

Posted in:
Monday, November 12, 2018 – 2:14 pm
| Last update:
Monday, November 12, 2018 – 2:14 pm

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has confirmed that he was forced to enter midfielder Marjane Villaini after Paul Bojba's injury to Manchester City in the derby Sunday on the 12th day of Premier English league, which made him lose 3-1.

"Of course, we missed Paul Boujba, one of the things that broke our plan so much, Villaini has been part of the team since the beginning of the match," Mourinho told the Mirror newspaper.

"It's because Villaini is not able to play for 90 minutes, he was great in his efforts, but he was not in the best position to do it, and I'm normally counting on Villaini in the last part of the game. The score is 2-1, in the last 25 minutes, it's important for us. "

"I think the performance was not bad overall, we made a performance with mistakes we paid, all the goals came from mistakes, and against a team like City, if you miss, you will be punished, the first goal was bad to receive it and the second worse.

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