Mozilla wants to make iOS passwords for Firefox manager


The non-profit organization of Mozilla has extended its test pilot program for Firefox, which allows the organization to test some of its experimental ideas for new browser features beyond the browser limits. Passwords on the iOS mobile operating system, as well as the launch of Notes by Firefox, a note-taking app for the Android system.

Both applications are connected to Firefox, hence their names, but we are not talking about browser here. For standalone applications Firefox Lockbox requires Firefox to access previously saved connections and is available in a few regions, including Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

Firefox Lockbox accesses user names and passwords stored in Firefox, and can be used in user applications such as Twitter and Instagram, so that you can use Face ID or Touch ID to unlock the Application, and if you are a user The Firefox Lockbox app now allows you to use the original password manager in your browser rather than in a third-party application.

With these tests, Mozilla tries to fulfill its mission of confidentiality and security in mobile applications. This is a milestone for Mozilla, although its browser does not contain significant market share for browsers on iOS devices, but it still wants iOS users to continue to participate in its ecosystem. .

Notes by Firefox, its function is Meta This is a note-taking app for the Android mobile operating system, which records and synchronizes encrypted notes between your phone and your browser.If this sounds like a little familiar, it may be because browser notes were added in 2017

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Mozilla has now turned this extension into a standalone application, similar to the Google Keep application, where the browser Notes application provides all the features of a blog Notes Basic desired by the user, and b although it provides basic functions, it is not comparable to other applications such as Microsoft Onenote or similar services.

The browser appeared in the early 1900s as the fastest and best design tool for web browsing. After Google released in 2008, its web browser called Chrome Chrome, a faster, safer and more varied browser.

Mozilla has recently clicked on the reset button The Firefox browser seems to have strongly returned, Mozilla released a new version in the end last year, the name was loaded Firefox Quantum Quantum FireFox, where he was Designed Mozilla Firefox has less memory than its rivals, which means you can open many tabs while browsing smoothly.

The new version also offers many features, including privacy tools, Like the built-in custom lock feature for targeted ads on users and the function to prevent Facebook from monitoring the activity of the users. Web users, features that are not found in most other major web browsers.

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