Multibillion dollar merger and acquisition activities in the region


The world's major economies are seeing more and more mergers and acquisitions a year, one of the most visible signs of business and investment attractiveness for many companies. Reflected in the economic efficiency in the valuation of enterprises in all financial and economic conditions, which reflect the end result of the ability of the economy to evaluate economic activities, and maintain the flow of Investment if they came in the right sector, and focused on the most active
Al Mazaya Holding's weekly real estate report sees mergers and acquisitions accelerating across the globe and is expected to reach new heights levels by the end of the year to include the distribution and health sectors, as well as the service sector, At the time when several industries are undergoing major strategic changes and other adjustments to their financial situation to try to respond to technological changes, many companies around the world are buying strategic assets that will allow them to better position themselves.

The Mazaya Report noted that M & A activity continues at a rapid pace since the beginning of this year, registering a new $ 2 trillion level, a record level of transactions executed since the beginning of this year .
and points out that stimulus packages and economic pressure factors have helped to overcome many of the challenges and opportunities in recent years in dependent economies and dominant economies, which has largely contributed to rising prices of assets and assets The relationship with technical developments increases the attractiveness of many economies to enter and implement unlimited acquisitions and mergers to reflect the magnitude of opportunities and the magnitude challenges faced by these companies and the sectors in which they operate. And the acquisition of companies operating in vital sectors.
However, these companies are facing financial difficulties and liquidity deficits, a natural consequence of the tides situation in economic sectors for a long time, it should be noted here the continuation of transactions. ASAT can be categorized as a positive framework in the global economy and local economies, as well as an indicator of the development of competition and the ability of the economy to value assets and attract investment to looking for good opportunities while keeping pace with the activity. Growth in a stable economy
These sectors are expected to record the number and greatest value of acquisitions and mergers over the coming period, taking into account the fact that the acquisition of new technologies is has become the engine and the first reason for a large number of mergers and acquisitions. And at the end of the discussions until the end of the year, it should be noted that mergers and acquisitions in all sectors, including the automotive industry, recorded 66.7 billion dollars in 2017 and a total value of $ 67.7 billion in 2016 China ranked first in value terms, and the United States ranked second, to ensure continuation of future growth drivers and broader expansion of the market.

Performance Indicators

Report Reported Significant Increase in Mergers and Acquisitions at Logical Level Data show M & A transaction value exceeded $ 56 billion in 2015, up 13% from last year at the end-2014 value, with a total value of $ 50 billion at the end of 2016, for a value of $ 44 billion. In 2017, despite fluctuating transaction values, it remains highly influential.Al Mazaya believes that the requirements for growth, expansion and business development are the main drivers of acquisitions and growth in the future.
In the period following implementation More than 50% of these transactions were successful and also contributed to the development of their markets, compared to markets that do not carry out operations of this type, contributing in one way or another to the business performance of 25% to 30% Mergers and acquisitions bring a lot to companies, both by increasing the value of money in the markets, in addition to contributing to the spread and expansion abroad, which gives them new investment opportunities through their presence in countries and markets.
The benefits report noted that merging and extinguishing activities Accelerated since the beginning of the year to record a new level of $ 2 trillion, record level of transactions carried out since the beginning of the year and focus mergers and acquisitions activities on key sectors and vital sectors, including the industrial sector and transportation. Infrastructure, utilities, energy, real estate and finance, and power generation The most demanding and complex investments and transactions in the world are in the technology sector, which is experiencing increased demand.

The report addressed the challenges faced by industry in the region, including the challenges faced by investors and homeowners, including the challenges of valuation in certain sectors and stimulating the factors of real growth of the market. 19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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