Murtaza announces .. Gros is artistic director of Zamalek


Zamalek President Mortada Mansour officially announced the agreement with Switzerland's Christian Gross to assume technical responsibility for the team during the coming period and thank Khaled Jalal, the former coach of the team

Murtada confirmed to Ahmed Echo Al-Balad In an agreement with the coach on the terms of the contract, pointing out that Turki Al-Sheikh, head of the General Authority of Sport in Saudi Arabia will bear all the costs of the coach's salary. "

" Turki promised to bring us a special attacker. "We have introduced a guard to Ahmed Al-Shennawi Team for sale because of his meeting with the Pyramid officials without our knowledge and asked for 18 million pounds."

"He is electrified at the gates of professionalism in the league UAE and we have a serious offer and the player is about to leave v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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