Murtaza threatens to escalate due to electrification


Zamalek President Mourtada Mansour had several contacts with the Egyptian Football Federation officials, led by Hani Abu Reda, Majdi Abdul Ghani and Ahmed Mujahid, to prevent the player's departure after his father's visit at the headquarters of Jabalia. Official that there is no electrification of the team.

Murtada asked the officials of Jabalia to wait and confirm that he has all the documents that confirm his position and threatened to bring the case to FIFA and file a formal complaint if the electrification right to leave the team.

Mansur seeks to meet the player in the coming hours and keeps him with the team and closes the door completely to his departure, and white officials are aware of the player's offers from some other clubs but they are trying to block the path. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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