My album after the Mondialal and the star "No sweet voice but"


Dear guests, I welcome you and welcome you to the website of the Economist, Ajaj: Mohamed Hamaki to 'Al Masry Al Youm': My album after the Mondialal and the star 'No voice sweet goal ", where we strive to be Mohamed Hamaki for" Al Masry Al Youm ": My album: Mohammad Hamaki for" Al Masry Al Youm ": My album After the Mondialal and the Star" not a sweet voice but " , where we are looking for the most important and the latest news from K Ajaj: Mohamed Hamaki for "Al Masry Al Youm": My album after the Mondialal and the star "No voice sweet goal", to present on our site, Mohamed Hamaki to " Al Masry Al Youm ": Abolami after the Mondialal and the star" no voice sweet goal ", You can follow all that is new in the world of information.

Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:45 pm Economist Mohamed Hamaki said that his experience with The Voice has opened a new door to him on the art and young talents, There was a state of the art. love, chemistry, friendship and understanding between him and the jury composed of Elissa, Ahlam and Assi El Hellani.

Hamaki said in an interview with Al-Masry Al-Youm that he had not yet halted on the idea that the film was being played by his cinematic experience, adding that his new album would be released after the World Cup.

Months of the double-edged sword, and that the "star-shattering" is the completion of the road, because the celebrity is not only sweet voice … and the text of the dialogue:

That added the voice of Mohammed Hamaki?

– I have never had the opportunity to show part of my personality to the public: they were always there by presenting an artistic content, that I present them a song, an album, a film or a concert. We have always talked about the art we offer so that the public does not know me very well, the program has put me in touch with the existing talent, me and the rest of the trainers, as well an aspect of my personality that could only be seen in this type of program. The talents are not only in the Arab world but in the whole world.

Is that why you accepted to be a member of the jury or were there any other reasons?

– I was a member of the Jury I believed for a long time, but I did not have the opportunity to discover the talent, it's very similar to the return of the beautiful, a day I'm not sure. dreamed and I had the ambition of the richest and oldest technician. It had to happen but there was a hand to me, and it was a duty to help the talents and young people realize their dreams and help them.

But the situation was different from the lack of talent detection programs and social media, but now the road to fame is easy.

It's a double-edged sword The passing time was harder and I always stressed the talent of my team that our appearance was not in the media era , I told them that my album "laughed" from the first day. Dr. Nassif Qazman When he said to me: Congratulations, we are in violation of the new Republic of Egypt, I started my success in the new Arab Republic of Egypt. Egypt from a neighborhood of Cairo and I expanded it until becoming a big hit. I was taking action on the major time zones, and what the participating talents are doing now I would like to repeat that the size of the media spread in 3 or 4 months is a double-edged sword, and I tell the talent that people loved them quickly and knew quickly, but at the same time people's expectations are great and because they want the best and the best, and I've always paid attention to the diversity of songs and not to limit themselves to one color so that people accept the color of the songs that they offer, I find that "savior" There are many factors that determine celebrity, including a way thinking and questioning the problems and difficulties and technical intelligence and how the selection and marketing talent.

Was your contract for The Voice for one season or several seasons?

– Yes, my contract was on a season.

Unlike the arbitration committees of the various programs of conflict and problems, but it appeared a state of love between you and dreams and Elissa and Assi, was it intentional or l? state of balance comes from the character of Hamaki?

– There was no need for a Beyna dispute in the jury or even a dispute, because we were still working for a purpose, to present a successful model of the Voice, we four are happy with the votes that have reached the final, so I consider them winners. But the most important thing for us is to help the talents that are put in our hands and their voices in the Secretariat, and here there is no place for the conflict because the competition between the talents, not among the jury members And kindness between us because we complement each other.

What support will Hamaki give to his team?

– The relationship between Beyna and the participants was not a relationship between coaches and talents, but support will not be provided to the finalists, but most importantly how will we end the road with the votes of our team and I will be ready to help after Program.

■ I mentioned that there is a possibility of duet with Elissa: where did this project happen?

– No milestone has been reached, we are waiting for the right project, which is a hard work that brings us together.

Is Hamaki a person who hesitates in nature?

– Not true at all.

Why was your filming experience so delayed?

– There is a big difference between hesitation and hesitation: my cinematic experience is waiting for a job that suits people, and I do not like the # 39 urgency because every step that we take is counted on you.

But did you mention that there is a project?

– The project is in the idea, and there is no script written in full, but now there are ideas when we finish it I will start to implement it.

■ Why has your album been delayed since the release of the last album "What is the Time to Miss"?

– The album still comes out when it's ready, I do not hear it, but people still think it's different: "You're not a singer, I do not do not make songs, I receive them, I always wait for the good and the taste. Ready to wait, I was supposed to put the album last year, but I did not feel like I was on top with an album, so I was I decided this year.

How many albums are there?

I have chosen a lot more than I said, but up to here I do not know the number of songs, because I have a lot of choices I do not think that 's right. they will all be like what happened in the previous album "old is not missing".

■ Who collaborated with them on the album?

Collaborates with most of the team that collaborated with him in the latest album, including Ayman Bahgat Amar, Amir Taaima and Nadir Abdullah for the first time as a poet, and distributors Tamim, Toma and Rami Samir this time.

■ Will you play new songs on your new album that you did not put on the last album?

– There is a song but I'm not sure to use it in the new album, or not.

■ When will the album come out?

– After the World Cup.

■ Are there productions of Mohammad Hamaki's production companies for the production of lyrical, Egyptian or Gulf albums?

– There are offers but it is premature because I have signed with Stars Stars and I will stay in the contract with them an album, I will implement it and I will finish it. first, and I do not speak of contract until after the completion of the contract.

■ Always put new music in your albums, on what format will your new album appear?

– New music that I can not talk about, but I can not hear it, I can not describe it, but the album will be different and it will have new ideas not only in music but also in themes and songs.

■ What about the new childhood in the life of Mohammed Hamaki .. And the birth of your only daughter?

– A feeling that I hope everyone feels, and the space of love and attention that I have never felt before anyone.

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