Nabil al – Akhn: The departure of a Lebanese artist has enriched the French theater

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We count a number of TheatricalYen and the Lebanese artists who lived with him, worked with him and taught him the language in his hand.

"In our last call, he said," I can not stand it anymore, "wrote Lebanese poet and writer Issa Makhlouf on his Facebook account.

"A few days ago, he was still talking about the play Julius Caesar for Shakespeare that he was planning to release and present it in February with a group of university students in Beirut," he told the looking for a glimmer of hope in the doctor's eyes every morning in the hospital. "I was trying, in different ways, to make him believe that the road was not over."

Graduated from the Sorbonne, he founded the group "El Baraka" in France and presents on the theater texts in French for international writers such as Harold Pinter and Tennessee Williams.

I believe that the theater and used its performances in other arts with brilliance, leaving a distinctive mark in the world of theater and literature in France, which settled during the Lebanese civil war of 1978.

It was early TheatricalWho went to Beirut after the end of the war in the early 1990s to defend the historical monuments of the city, such as the Teatro Beirut.

In 1999, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Shehadeh's death, a play by the poet George Shehadeh entitled "The loot of love", presented in the Grand Theatro, raised public opinion against blind reconstruction policy.

He has written several literary texts, including honorary festival president Baalbek, who died in May 2018, entitled "May Arida, Baalbeck's Dream".

In 2010, he went to Jerusalem where he presented at the An-Najah National Theater a collection of masterpieces Thousand and One Nights, using the arts of music, song, hakwati and circus, with the participation of 30 artists and artists from seven countries.

He has received numerous awards, including the Arts and Arts Medal of the Ministry of Culture and the 2007 Cultural Forum Award in Paris.


We count a number of TheatricalYen and the Lebanese artists who lived with him, worked with him and taught him the language in his hand.

"In our last call, he said," I can not stand it anymore, "wrote Lebanese poet and writer Issa Makhlouf on his Facebook account.

"A few days ago, he was still talking about the play Julius Caesar for Shakespeare that he was planning to release and present it in February with a group of university students in Beirut," he told the looking for a glimmer of hope in the doctor's eyes every morning in the hospital. "I was trying, in different ways, to make him believe that the road was not over."

Graduated from the Sorbonne, he founded the group "El Baraka" in France and presents on the theater texts in French for international writers such as Harold Pinter and Tennessee Williams.

I believe that the theater and used its performances in other arts with brilliance, leaving a distinctive mark in the world of theater and literature in France, which settled during the Lebanese civil war of 1978.

It was early TheatricalWho went to Beirut after the end of the war in the early 1990s to defend the historical monuments of the city, such as the Teatro Beirut.

In 1999, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Shehadeh's death, a play by the poet George Shehadeh entitled "The loot of love", presented in the Grand Theatro, raised public opinion against blind reconstruction policy.

He has written several literary texts, including honorary festival president Baalbek, who died in May 2018, entitled "May Arida, Baalbeck's Dream".

In 2010, he went to Jerusalem where he presented at the An-Najah National Theater a collection of masterpieces Thousand and One Nights, using the arts of music, song, hakwati and circus, with the participation of 30 artists and artists from seven countries.

He has received numerous awards, including the Arts and Arts Medal of the Ministry of Culture and the 2007 Cultural Forum Award in Paris.

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