Nahyan bin Mubarak inaugurates "the success of Abu Dhabi in 2018"


HE Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, today inaugurated the 12th edition of the exhibition "Najah Abu Dhabi 2018" in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Knowledge at Abu Dhabi and organized by Informa Exhibition Company with the participation of 165 international universities. 20 countries and continues for three days at the ADNEC National Exhibition Center in Abu Dhabi.

The Minister of Tolerance, accompanied by HE Mr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Head of the Department of Education and Knowledge in Abu Dhabi, and many officials and ambassadors visited the exhibition halls, pavilions of national universities and seven large exhibition pavilions, as well as other international and Arab universities.

He praised the success of the exhibition and the extent of its broad participation from various local and international higher education institutions, as well as the significant attendance of students.

On the first day of the exhibition, a significant number of students and visitors exceeded 7,000 visitors and 99 public and private schools were organized.

University representatives provided students and parents with detailed explanations of available university programs and new specializations, particularly those related to artificial intelligence, innovation and perspectives, and also helped answer students' questions about the application process and admission conditions. And other universities have offered significant discounts to visitors of the exhibition on the value of university spending.

The Dubai Islamic Pharmacy College – the first Islamic pharmacy education college for girls – has offered its most important scholarship programs and job opportunities for postgraduate students. Dubai Middle East University has offered scholarships to outstanding students up to 90,000 dirhams. Scholarships offered to undergraduate students. The Canadian College of Lekhad awards scholarships of Can $ 30,000 to non-Canadian beginners or transferred from other international colleges.

The Department of Education and Knowledge of Abu Dhabi has presented the most important scholarships offered by the department to eminent students from the United Arab Emirates, excellent grade 12 students or enrolled in the major universities recommended by the department in the interior and outside the country.

The department's representatives presented a detailed definition of the main characteristics and conditions of the curriculum that the Abu Dhabi government attributes to its citizens to encourage them to specialize and to study areas of great importance to the labor market. offering them the opportunity to complete their university studies or graduate studies at the country's leading universities.

A team from the department's human resources department also offered career opportunities to help them pursue their careers in a number of key disciplines and introduce them to the recruitment process.

The Department distributed a list of the most important universities recommended for study abroad and in the country, in addition to the most important admission and enrollment requirements in the scholarship program and the required documents. .

Twenty-six American universities, including Morgan State George Davis University, Dayton Iowa Dayton and Crimson Education, will participate in the exhibition. The US Pavilion, aimed at students wishing to study abroad , explains the most advanced and innovative disciplines offered by universities and their educational institutions.

"The participating American universities are distinguished by the introduction of modern science and engineering programs.The Department of Academic Guidance helps the Embassy to help students obtain a university degree from a university." American university in order to push UAE students towards a knowledge-based economy.The Embassy, ​​through its pavilion, the exhibition provides objective advice on the educational options available to US students in more than 4 000 educational institutions from which to choose to help students and their families find the right option to help them excel in the learning system.Students. " students stated that their visit to the Najah Fair was intended to give an idea of ​​the most important university programs offered by national universities and nternational.

The student, Hessa Yafey, said she hoped to join the Faculty of Engineering and was therefore aware of the most important university programs offered by universities in Canada and abroad. She was eager to study public relations and gave her the opportunity to learn about the best universities offering this program, among the best options you've ever encountered.

Ahmed Awad praised the exhibition and its academic councils for the students.

Noting that it offers many options to students and that it is therefore not necessary to visit each university to know about the study options, the exhibition offers all the possible educational options under one roof.

A number of international university representatives, university admissions officers and international educational advisers will present the visitors of the exhibition with a pedagogical consulting service that will share with students and parents the best opportunities offered by the students. international and local universities and will offer them optimal solutions for the future and the best career choice by answering all their questions immediately. .

"The most important advice given to students is how to choose the appropriate university and look for non-traditional science streams.The decision to choose the university is based on absolute conviction and in-depth discussions with teachers , parents and experts, "said Saif al-Imami, academic advisor of Jumeirah University. Wishing to study outside the country.

Tamer Al Nahas, director of the exhibition, said: "We want the events organized to be service platforms designed to train Emirati people with pedagogical and professional skills and we are proud to help students and parents to choose the best educational opportunities for the job market.

He added that Informa had always sought to organize public platforms linking the various educational institutions to institutions and employers, thus enabling young people to be trained in the job market at an early stage. Our activities allow the participation of all students, university students and graduates, as well as the main institutions of the public and private sectors of the country.

The first day was marked by the presentation of eight training workshops, including a presentation on the TOEFL test by IMEST experts and another presentation on IELTS tests, presented by a lecturer from the British Institute.

The workshop included several training workshops on the academic future of the students, including a workshop entitled "Study Abroad", which dealt with the most important points to consider when choosing a student. # 39; university and on how to choose the university specialization and what you should know before you go to the university. In professional success and finally the importance of accredited courses and disciplines and extracurricular activities.

The success of Abu Dhabi will continue Thursday with its various workshops, which will contribute to the knowledge and abilities of students to help them choose the best scientific future for them, as well as to advise students and parents about programs and programs. academic disciplines, as well as grant and funding opportunities offered by different universities.

(UAE News: Nahyan bin Mubarak inaugurates the "Abu Dhabi 2018 Success") transmitted by the search engine Egypt 24 and transferred as a source (Emirates News Agency), and does not reflect the point of view of the site nor the release policy, but is the responsibility of the press and public health of the publisher The original is the press agency Emirates.

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