NASA: A significant number of asteroids and …


NASA has released a new video, showing a shocking reality of a massive and accelerated increase in the number of asteroids and comets in orbit around the globe, especially over the past 20 years.

The size of these space objects varies between comets and small and large asteroids, and their space orbits also differ from the Earth.

NASA has been monitoring the numbers and trajectories of asteroids since 1999, distinguishing two types of space objects in the video. Blue refers to asteroids close to the Earth, while the orbit points to the orbit and approaches Mars and Jupiter.

In the same context, the agency makes troubling and unprecedented discoveries, revealing more than 18,000 asteroids near the Earth's orbit. NASA detects about 40 new asteroids each week

NASA established the Near Earth Observation Control Center (NEOS) in 1998, after the first effective surveillance of a large asteroid (XF11) from the Earth's orbit in 1997, and is still continuing today near us, as some scientists predict that it will collide with the Earth from here 2028. [1] 9659002] Source: RT + YouTube

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