NASA begins a week to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission on the Moon


  NASA Starts 49th Anniversary Week of the Apollo 11 Moon Mission
NASA Starts the 49th Anniversary Week of the Apollo 11 Mission

NASA Announces the Beginning of the Week Celebrating the Forty-ninth Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission In July 1969, a 363 ft. tall Saturn V was launched under the mission of Apollo 11 from the base at [3959011]. Launch 39 Kennedy Space Center, at 0932 EDT.

  NASA's mission begins the 49th anniversary celebration week of the Apollo 11 mission
NASA Apollo 11 mission

On board the Apollo 11 spacecraft, there was astronaut Neil Eh. Armstrong, commander of the command and command unit Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin Jr., pilot of the Lunar Unit

Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the Moon in the United States United, while the Armstrong astronaut, "Aldrin" to explore the calm sea area of ​​the moon, the astronaut Collins remained with command and service units in the lunar orbit.

Source: 7th day