NASA launches space probe to study the sun next month


NASA announced the launch of its long-awaited spacecraft, which hopes to "touch the sun" at the Cape Canaveral air station next month, and will pilot the Parker Solar spacecraft at a speed of 430,000 miles per hour for try to approach the surface of the sun. According to the British Daily Mail website, experts hope that this proximity will provide vital information on the life of stars and destructive solar flares that can destroy the Earth. Solar storms can destroy power grids and disrupt satellite operations.

At the size of a car, on a rocket A Launch Alliance Delta IV The Space Telescope Space Space 37 at the Station Cape Canaveral Air in Florida on August 4th.

This probe will provide unprecedented information on the sun,

The spacecraft will travel directly into the sun's atmosphere to perform its operations at a safe distance of about 4 million kilometers from the area.

From there, NASA's spacecraft will track how energy and heat cross the atmosphere of the sun and explore what accelerates solar wind and solar particles, launching will be broadcast directly via the site n Asa.

After its launch, the probe will travel for about seven years before finally reaching its destination in 2024.



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