NASA publishes a stunning image of fireworks … heavenly


NASA publishes a superb photo of the Celestial Fireworks Exhibition


Wednesday, July 04, 2018

The US NASA space agency has released a stunning new image of "the display of heavenly fireworks," according to the British Daily Mail.

Photography represents part of the "nebula" (19659005) The British newspaper reports that this "nebula" is located 22 000 light years from the constellation of the base known as "Kareena".

The name of the Al Qaeda constellation From the "base of the ship" where the shape of the stars suggests the basis of a ship. The "Carina" contains a massive central mass of bright stars called NGC 3603.

In his comment on the photo, NASA wrote: "Like the fireworks that are launched every year on the 4th July, Young bright stars have a strong air explosion. "

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