NASA reveals a hidden mystery 14 years


Finally, 14 years later, NASA, the US space agency, was showing images taken in the Utah desert for a circular object dropped from the sky that had crashed to the ground. NASA shared the photos by posting them on its website on Sunday.

The images showed what we thought was a strange cylindrical object dropped from space, but the agency explained that it was a "plate of 39; plane. "

The plane crashed on the ground in 2004, said Wangers, half in the sand of a remote, uninhabited area of ​​Utah.

The aircraft was a capsule sample of the Genesis probe, which was launched in space in 2001 to obtain a solar wind sample, NASA said.

"The space probe (Genesys) crashed to ground in the Utah desert after being spotted by a radar, then by helicopters and confirmed that it contained no space creatures" , said NASA on its website.

She explained that the plane's plate had fallen near the Granite Pick in Utah's training and testing area.

Genissys gravitated around the sun and collected particles of the solar wind, which normally separated from the Earth by the Earth's magnetic field.

In spite of the plane crash, many samples taken were analyzed, NASA reported.

Some discoveries have been made, including new details on the structure of the sun and the abundance of different elements of the solar system, she explained, as well as on the formation of the sun and planets there are billions d & # 39; years.

NASA said the probe, Genesys, crashed due to design errors, the parachute did not take off and did not take off, so it flew to Earth at 30 km / h .

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