"NASA" reveals the signal reception mechanism of its new mission on the surface


Washington – Voice of the United Arab Emirates

NASA has launched a new Mars mission called Insight, NASA's first probe designed to study the depths of the red planet. It should arrive in seven months. To travel through our solar system, then enter the atmosphere of Mars, land in an area called Elysium Planitia, where will traverse the probe "Curiosity Rover".

Following the launch of the mission, NASA, the US Space Agency, today released a video explaining how it would receive signals from the spacecraft after landing on Mars, indicating that two small experimental satellites would transmit the information obtained by the probe in a few minutes. , Confirming that it will also rely on the orbital spacecraft for technical data, which takes several hours to reach them.

Signals from Mars are picked up by multiple spacecraft and are transmitted to the Earth in different ways at different times, which instantly identifies the mission team when InSight is turned on or off. wait for several hours.

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