NASA tests Parachute to deliver its huge payload on Mars


We show you the most important news in the following article:

From the website of the seventh day, Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

NASA conducted a standard landing parachute test to route its massive cargo to Mars, whose hood was boosted four tenths of a second during last month 's tests.

According to NASA, a successful test indicates that the parachute design is officially ready for Mars. John McNamee, director of the Mars 2020 project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said that March 2020 would carry the greatest payload so far. .


McNamy said, "The tests showed ASPIRE In a very detailed way, how will our umbrella react when it is released for the first time in ultrasonic flow on Mars, let me tell you it is beautiful. "

On September 7, the parachute was launched with 67,000 pounds of the Black Brand IX rocket and during high-speed inflation, the huge techno-kevlar umbrella produced nearly 70,000 pounds of energy.

The space agency has tested the parachutes as part of its pilot experimental ultrasonic research projectASPIRE), And two different parachute models were tested.

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Source: day 7

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