"Nasir" .. A song of freshness on the gorges of the Tarab tribes


The priests at the time of the ancient Egyptians imposed their authority on the people and chose what they sang to guide him to the desired perfection: the song was their way and they used it to disseminate science, art and literature before reading. The late President Gamal Abdel Nasser wrote on the written papyrus and believed in what he said: he also believed in Plato's great saying: "Music and song should be used in the service of the state as all the other arts. However, despite his great preoccupations, he was

I realized the value of art and I used it to reach out to citizens and make political decisions, and cheer up and l & rsquo; # 39; membership of the state and its leader.Nasser wanted to increase the shares of the Egyptian army to citizens, suggested to the late comedian Ismail Yassin In 1955, cinema was not the only artistic portal used by Abdel Nasser, but he also used the battery. The wings of Umm Kulthum and Abdel Halim Hafez carried them to the general public and ridiculed them for serving revolution and singing purposes. Abdel Nasser is the only Egyptian leader named in hundreds of songs, and we review in this issue songs performed by the tyrants of the leader of the Khalid on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the revolution.

In a dialogue with an example of patriotism

Nasser was strongly mentioned four times, first after the famous Manshiyya incident in Alexandria in 1954, the second time when he was elected president of the Republic in 1956, The High Dam 1959, and the last time after his departure in September 1970

The songs that resounded immediately after the revolution were all sung by the New Testament, so it was not strange to find 10 songs under the name "New Testament" sung by "Lordakash, Shafa Ahmed, Fayda Kamel, And the band", in addition to singing the slogan of the revolution and its goals more than a singer and singer, including Laila Murad in his songs "Union, Order and Action", and Suad Makkawi in his song "Union", as well as many songs in the name of the army "The Army of the Army and Our Nation "Hafsa Helmi," The Army of Dignity "of Mohame Abdelmutallab, the army "Mohamed Sadiq", the army of our country "is rare, and in all these songs and others did not mention the name of Gamal Abdel Nasser, but the name of the president Mohamed Naguib was mentioned directly and mentioned for the first time the name of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. In 1954, during an assassination attempt on Manshiya Square in Alexandria on the occasion of the signing of the evacuation agreement with Great Britain, Mahmoud Abdullatif dismissed the poor platoon belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and shot eight shots at Abdel Nasser. , Did not enter and remained p

The courage of "Nasser" faced with an assassination attempt, and as our late Professor Salah Issa wrote: "it is the beginning of the rise of the masses, which increased until reaching "This attempt marked the end of the short honeymoon between the revolution of July 23, 1952 and that of the Muslim Brotherhood, which lasted only a year and a half then that the Brothers considered revolution as one of their historical achievements. "

] After the assassination attempt of a few days, the art people expressed their love for the Prime Minister of Egypt – then Kebakashi Gamal Abdel Nasser, and held several singing concerts the security of Abdelnasseri all parts of Mahrousa, and all the singers are eager to participate in these celebrations, and was the first celebrations – and as stated in the program "Montheh Tarab" this wonderful program presented by the l 39; media excellence "Ibrahim Hafni", in the radio station, which was documented for the Egyptian song – on October 29, 1954, in the field of the Republic where the singer "Abdul Aziz Mahmoud" lyrics and words "on the Turkish Song »titled" Sobhank "says:

Your Lord Beauty

Glory to you with Your Beauty Care

In the same ceremony, Najat sang a poem entitled" Ya Jamal Allah or Your Preservation Eyes of the Benefactor. "Words of Mahmoud Hassan Ismail, composed by Hussein Jneid, in which he says:"

He directly insulted and ridiculed Hassan al-Hudaibi, the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood of the time, his terrorist group and his assistants, he did not miss the opportunity, because it was Mahmoud Abdullatif, describing him as "a donkey". And the money we need you Jamal "written by Fathi Qora and his air Mahmoud Sharif:

" Your safety where our safety / Yal On November 18, 1954, singer Karim Mahmoud sang "A Thousand Hamdallah A Salama "(" Mille Hamdallah As Salama ") by Abdel-Fattah Mustafa, composed by Ahmed Sedqi, at a ceremony held by the Officers' Club of the Armed Forces on November 18, 1954.

[19659005] The god of heaven is dignity

Mille Hamdallah A security

I was watching over you

Of all time I look at you

Egypt is light from the light of your eyes

] Inbalib al-Thawra shakes hands with Khaled al-Zikr

and the cavalry ceremony held at the Armed Forces Club on December 2, 1954, the artist Omar Jizawi sang Salama Salama:

He did not Do not forget President Gamal Abdel Nasser that he defended when one of the Free Officers decided to cut back re radio and not to ban – her songs from Egyptian radio, pretext that she was singing to King Farouk King of Egypt And Sudan, the day of Abdel Nasser said his famous: hi from the spirit of the pyramids and broke Abulhul all the previous era, and after saying his word, did not approach the censor of the revolution on the radio on the songs of the planet Is, The first time that she sang was words of Perm (19659006) Few days after the assassination attempt, on November 14, 1954, the Council of the Revolution decided to dismiss President Mohamed Naguib, Ce which led to a wave of public protests, and within the army, was fired for a week before being again isolated and placed under house arrest and prevented him from speaking to anyone. even if his family, and after the decision of the Revolutionary Command Council of ex ter Muhammad Najib from all his positions. The President of the Republic was vacant and the Revolutionary Command Council continued to assume all its powers under the leadership of Gamal Abdel Nasser In 1956, Abdel Nasser was elected President of the Republic by popular referendum, in accordance with the constitution of 16 January 1956.

The songs that mentioned the name of Gamal Abdel Nasser were the first and most powerful songs of Abdel Halim Hafez, we are the people and predict the future promising.

With the joy and warmth of optimism that fills the hearts of people, with the election of Abdel Nasser to the presidency of the Republic, Umm Kulthum reissues his song, Ya Jamal, the example of patriotism, after a change of some of his words, it became like this:

Oh beauty, you

The most beautiful of our Egyptian holidays

The preamble of the Republic


Farid and Nasser very special relationship

At the beginning of 1955, Farid Al-Atrash finished his sixteenth film The Age of Love, For his films, a sore throat broke his head and the Prevented from attending the opening of the film that was to take place on February 7, 1955, when Farid Al-Atrash wrote to the hospital: "My audience has returned to the opening from my movies and I want you to come I wanted to say and I received my audience, and Fouad al-Atrash considered this behavior as the boldness and madness of his brother, and predicted [699006] Farid has not forgotten this leading position all over the world. In February 1955, he made a check for Nasser by presenting the premiere of the movie Al Hawa as a contribution to the help of Menkubi Qena, $ 300 to the army and Nasser sings many of his songs.

Nationalization of the canal

After the World Bank refused to finance the Egyptian government to build the high dam, Gama The nationalization of the Suez Canal was the cause of the tripartite aggression led by the USSR. England, France and Israel against Egypt, and when Nasser delivered his famous speech in which he said a text: "Nationalization of the Suez Canal Maritime Company, an Egyptian joint-stock company, and transfer to the &" State all funds and rights and obligations, and all bodies and committees that are currently in management.

It was a moment in the age of a nation is formed revolutionary forces that place the streets and houses of joy, Every place, and the song was as usual to participate in a party Umm Kulthum is the owner of the national initiative, and in turn contacted after the nationalization speech directly to the great musician Mohammed Al-Mughi or "savior" – as he was called for the rapid completion the treatment of any piece cost, and presented in the best picture – and asked him to prepare a song at maximum speed to express the joy of the Egyptian nationalization of the channel, after singing together the song national "congratulate the evacuation", and both accepted the new song of Salah Jahin's words. And the Arabic with the voice of Umm Kulthum:

Rachna said: What is Fash Mahal

Rah al-Dakhil and the son of the country is enough "[19659005] And sang the voice of Egypt Shadia from the words of Fathi Qora, and composed by Munir Murad "teacher strike", which says:

"Master shot received by him / and our Lord strengthens and increases

earned his victory

Gamal al-Nour

After the victory over the tripartite aggression and the return of the occupiers, they won the victory in January 1957 with the total victory from Nasser's Egypt, and the road becomes paved Opening of the Suez Canal for world shipping in April 1957 after Britain announced its willingness to withdraw its forces from Jordan and that Tunisia would announce the announced republic in August and that Egypt became the lighthouse of the Arabs and the leader of the national liberation. Excerpt from the words of Ahmed Shafiq Kamel "Ya Gamal al-Nour":

"Oh Jamal of Light and Freedom"

Oh Jamal of our National Revolution

We were at the Promised Feast of Glories

After the completion of the unity of Egypt and Syria, which took place in February 1958, Gamal Abdel Nasser became President of the United Arab Republic, The Sixth Day of the Revolution. Poet Ismail Al-Habrouk wrote a wonderful poem by Abdel Halim Hafez, "Ya Gamal Habib El-Milliyuns", which was recited by the Arab masses immediately after its broadcast, thus becoming the favorite song of many people. optimism and simplicity. (19659006) "The hero of the revolution, we are the people of the revolution."

You are our lover, Jamal, you are our beauty. "

After unification, Abdel Nasser becomes the national hero who liberates the country from colonialism and the royal palace and feudalism, at this time singer Sabah asked us for a beautiful song, written by Marsa Jamil Aziz, and composed by Mohamed Al-Mughi, in a simple human gesture, but expressing the love of the Egyptian people for the personality of Jamal.

"I Shfat Jamal and the Prophet Ya Mah

I Shfat Jamal

and the Dune of Hoot Owe of

Shafat Jamal

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