Netflix presents three films in theaters before being broadcast on the Internet


Netflix logo in Los Angeles, California, July 16, 2018. Photograph by Lucy Nicholson.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Netflix has announced that it will present three of its next films in a limited number of theaters before the movies are broadcast on its Internet service.

The screening of the films "Rome", "Bird Box" and "The Baller of Buster Scrajs" marks a change in the tradition of the company to broadcast movies in cinemas and online the same day.

The film "Rome," a Spanish-language black-and-white film about a housekeeper in Mexico, will begin in Los Angeles, New York, and Mexico City on November 21 and will be released later in other cities and countries. .

The film, directed by Oscar-winning director Alfonso Quarron, will air on Netflix and other theaters on December 14.

At the end of September, Netflix had 137 million subscribers for movies and series. And began to include films from his production in his library just three years ago.

Netflix insisted that all films sent to cinemas should be available on its Internet service the same day. Most major movie theaters still refuse Netflix movies, while some major filmmakers have objected to the idea that their films will be seen primarily on small screens.

But Netflix's strategy is evolving.

"Our members and our filmmakers are Netflix's top priority, and we're constantly innovating to serve them," said Scott Stabber, director of Netflix's film industry, in a statement.

Prepared by Lilian Wajdi for publication in Arabic – Edit Saha Jado

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