New block with Samo Zain


Menna Fadali New Block with Samo Zein .. Watch the newspaper today, quoting Giulio We are editing a new fence with Samo Zain .. Look, Mena Fadali Block again with Samo Zain .. Look at you publish our visitors News News Today thanks to our newspaper

Today 's Cairo Today' s edition

The Egyptian artist Mena Fadali, who followed his profile on the site of "Instagram", participated in a recent photo with the Syrian artist Samo Zein. .

Manna Fadali, appeared on the photos with a new look after changing the color of her hair to the golden color, and received many comments from her audience, which asked her if she had actually changed the color of her hair.

Menna Fadhli commented on the photos: "It's nice to see Gemayel Samo Zain, my favorite friend."

Mena Fadali, who recently aroused controversy because of her dance and appearance in the Short Shorts at the Rami Sabri concert.

The last work in which Mena Fadhli participated was the series "The Blood Slayer", with the artist Abla Amal and Riad Al Khouli, and a large number of stars.

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