New book reveals Charles's remorse over his marriage to Diana .. and other secrets


Even 21 years after her death, the famous Princess Diana, Princess of Hearts, is still concerned about the British Royal Family and her relatives and former spouse, Prince Charles, reveal many of their interesting family secrets that interest millions of British and millions of people. The world, which always has a special love for this generous princess with her global humanitarian work, whose new secrets reveal that she has never been a happy wife, and that she may have been happy only by his motherhood with his two sons, Charles and Harry.
For the first time, Crown Prince Charles expressed regret for marrying the late Princess Diana or her two sons, Prince William and Harry, and stated that he had almost canceled his Diana wedding, celebrated in 1981, and admitted that he sometimes cried Feeling frustrated, knowing that the wedding is doomed to failure, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail".
Prince Charles recounted his shocking confessions in a new autobiography, which will be published in libraries in November, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Early in the day, I realized that their marriage was not appropriate
The new book was written by royal columnist Robert Jobson, who accompanied Prince Charles for 18 months on tours around the world to prepare and write his fascinating chapters full of new mysteries. Robert Gibson said: "After several meetings between Prince Charles and Princess Diana, during their engagement, Prince Charles realized that their marriage was inappropriate and threatened with a tragic fate.
"He told his friends that Diana seemed unable to understand what he was saying when he explained his daily routine, which made him understand that he was mistaken in marrying him, but that he could not stop the marriage, because if he did, it would be disastrous.
Sadness haunts Prince Charles
Prince Charles did not reproach his father or mother with Queen Elizabeth for marrying Diana, but he only blamed it, saying that grief still haunted him because of his failed marriage.
Prince Charles told the author of his new book, Robert Jobson, the most deplorable experience of his marriage with Diana: that he had agreed to join her in the royal train for the 39; try and that his current wife, Camilla Parker, had infiltrated her to like to Buckingham Palace, Her marriage on Diana, and this is one of the worst lies that sympathetic media to Diana have said against him, and this is one of many unfounded lies for him.
He displeased the ban on Muslim women in Europe
Prince Charles also expressed his dissatisfaction at being excluded from a documentary on the late Princess Diana and the ban, in France and some European countries, of Muslim niqabs in universities and colleges. public places.
A few years earlier, Andrew Morton, who wrote in his book about Princess Diana, said that Princess Diana had also planned to withdraw from her marriage with Prince Charles. However, despite his reflections on the same thing, he feared this decision and continued the marriage.
Prince Charles explains that he had started dating Diana at the age of 32, while everyone was starting to pressure him to marry her husband as a beautiful wife and a aristocrat, perfect for him and his royal family. And these times were not enough to get to know them very closely.
After their divorce, the media became more and more attracted to her, gained popularity, and, in her beauty and attractive nature, became obsessed with the media and began to haunt her in unnatural ways. finally leading to death in the Paris tunnel.
Despite Prince Charles' attempt to correct his image in the media, through his shocking statement regarding his remorse for marrying Princess Diana, he is well aware that he will not win a media battle against Diana. Her early departure made her an icon forever, and media with her in her life and even after her death.
Prince Charles also expressed his appreciation and respect for the love of his two sons, Prince William and Harry, for their late mother, and kept them in mind for two decades.
Prince Charles also revealed that his detractors had wronged him because of his emotional relationship with Camilla Parker before marrying him, to the point that they would say that he was not Although Princess Diana has been associated with three men, her popularity has turned her into a personality and a memory, into an unforgettable historical icon.
The wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was the most watched event in the history of television, bringing together 750 million viewers worldwide, for sixteen years before Prince William and Harry.
Princess Diana died in August 1997 from a car accident in a Parisian tunnel, accompanied by her boyfriend, Egyptian businessman Imad Al Fayed, the son of the man Mohamed Al Fayed business.
The impact of this shocking statement on the descendants of both emirs, William and Harry, is still unknown.

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